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Forget About The Template Editor - Use The Page Elements Wizard

Back when the Internet was started, having a web page of your own was a tremendous accomplishment. You had to
  • Setup a web server (or find one with available space).
  • Write content to go on the web page.
  • Format the content.
  • Load the formatted content to the web server.
  • Look at the web page, and how plain it was.
  • Add more formatting, maybe decorations.

And that was just one web page. Then you'd add a second web page.
  • Write content to go on the second web page.
  • Format the content, and add links to the first web page.
  • Add links from the first web page to the second.
  • Load the formatted content (first and second web pages) to the web server.
  • Look at the two web pages, and how they didn't work together.
  • Redesign the web pages, to work better.

And that was just two web pages. Add a third, and still more details to deal with. Pretty soon, you were spending all of your time formatting the web pages. Not writing content, not making it pretty. Ugh.

If you want an interesting Blogger blog, you could add accessories and decorations, but that requires editing the template. If you're a computer programmer, a Blogger template isn't hard to do, it's just another language to learn. If you're not a programmer though, editing the template would be one more way to screw up your blog. Look in the Google Blogger Help forum Customising Templates, if you don't believe me.

Enter Blogger One Button Publishing, and Cascading Style Sheets. Now, you design a template (or borrow one already designed), and write content. That's all that's needed, to start a web page, also known as a Blogger blog.

When you get ready to improve a Layout or Designer template, you use the dashboard Layout GUI wizard to add, configure, and position accessories.

That's how you accessorise your blog now.
My, that's an inspiring blog. Now, write more content.

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Unknown said…
Wonderful Chuck,
I wonder how nobody wrote a comment on your post.
I lost a website and came back to more simplistic solution 'blogspot'. The journey of blogging is less than a decade old. At the moment I am scared of the website pirates, the .con people in the guise of .com.

Personal website,
all compared I choose

Thanks to people like you,
Dr. Ashok Koparday
Consultant in Sexual Medicine
Unknown said…
thanks for taking the time to write detailed descriptions - excellent guides.
can't wait to utilise them on my blog ( Cheers! :)

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