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Email Comments Contain MIME Encoding

Here's a comment I got recently in my email.

New comment on The Storm Worm Hits
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Wholesome Blogger has left a new comment on your post "The Storm Worm
Hits Blogger":

can you make this more clear for newbies to internet and its jargon.
I'm just now learning html. this sounds frightful.

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Wholesome Blogger to The Real Blogger Status at 14/9/07 12:30
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<a href="">Wholesome Blogger</a> has left a new comment on your post "<a href="">The Storm Worm Hits Blogger</a>":
can you make this more clear for newbies to internet and its jargon. I'm just now learning html. this sounds frightful.
<a href="">Publish</a> this comment.
<a href="">Reject</a> this comment.
<a href="">Moderate</a> comments for this blog.
<font color="gray" size="2"><br>
Posted by Wholesome Blogger to <a href="">The Real Blogger Status</a> at 14/9/07 12:30 </font>

Not too readable, and you have to search a bit to find the "Publish this comment" and "Reject this comment" links. The links are there, though it would be fairly easy to click one when aiming for the other.

I hope that this gets fixed soon.

>> (Update 9/18): The problem appears to be resolved.

>> (Update 9/17): The problem has been acknowledged by Blogger.

>> Forum thread links: bX-*00067

>> Copy this tag: bX-*00067

>> Top


ian gordon said…
Good to know I'm not alone. This problem has been plaguing me for about 24 hours and still no "official" comment on the "official" blogger status.
Mr Banks said…
And even better to know I'm not alone either. This exact thing is happening to me as well. I'm ecstatic to learn it's not just me and that I'm not going insane. I do hope someone can e-mail me if they find out more about this problem. It's Clive four four four at mac dot com. And yes, those fours are really numbers.
Tee/Tracy said…
Misery loves company.

The comments left on my blogs and forwarded to my Gmail are in MIME format, too. Very messy and time consuming to read. It's been happening for over a week now.
Matthew Cornell said…
Another 'thanks, me too' vote here. Nasty!

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