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Publishing Problems - Classic Blogs

The problem of the week is Publishing.

You'll have a variety of symptoms, when publishing to a Classic blog.
  • The ever present spinner of death, which does not end.
  • The spinner of death gives way to a white screen.
  • The spinner is never seen, you get a white screen immediately.

What's worse, the post that you're publishing may or may not actually be posted. You'll not find out unless you
  • Open "Edit posts" in a separate window, and refresh the view periodically (when publishing a new post).
  • Open "View Blog" in a separate window, and refresh the view (when publishing an update to an existing post).

The Google Blogger Help forum is buzzing with complaints. One guy has started a thread advising us how to contact Google Investor Relations (since Google itself cannot be contacted).

I, personally, experienced all of the above symptoms, in trying to publish this article. I had to resort to resubmitting the post, and risk making a duplicate post, to get around the white screen, after I hit "Publish Post" the first time.

I fear that this may be only the beginning of the end of Classic blogs, as I predicted some time ago. Maybe it's even a (highly misguided) effort by Blogger Support to get its customers eager to switch to Beta blogs. Observations, and speculation, has already started.

  • Problems publishing - I can't even get to the end of this one, it's being updated so frequently. Maybe we need a new forum just for this issue.
  • PUBLISHING PROBLEMS, with an (excerpted) message from BS

    Hi there,

    Thanks for writing in. We are currently focusing all of our efforts on improving Blogger and Blogger in beta and getting beta ready for all of our users to switch over. In order to help improve Blogger as quickly as possible, we are going to focus our efforts on reading the problems you are experiencing and working on solutions immediately. We'll follow up with you only if we require additional information or if we have additional information to share. However, we do have some other resources to help you out.

    In the Blogger Help Group, experienced users can answer your questions, or you may find that your question has already been asked and answered in the archives. We also have a Blogger employee monitoring the group to provide assistance. You can visit the help group here:

    which, of course, puts us back here with the other sheep. Maybe Blogger Employee or Pete Hopkins will drop by.
  • Problems publishing new posts
  • yep same prob here downunder, for an International flair.

Can we summon Pete Hopkins, as Candyman could be summoned?
Pete Hopkins
Pete Hopkins
Pete Hopkins
Pete Hopkins
... Shall I do it?
Pete Hopkins

I've come for you.

(Edit 9/28 16:30): Looks like this problem was SPLOGGERS. Dirty sploggers. Jerks.

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