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Areas Of Google Blogger Help

The Google Blogger Help Group is the official help area for (Google) Blogger Blogs, where the users help themselves (with slight exception). There are 6 forums in Google Blogger Help.
  1. How Do I?
  2. Something Is Broken
  3. Publishing Trouble
  4. Login Issues
  5. Customizing Templates
  6. Share Your Blog

Some people occasionally confuse the first 5 with the last.
  1. How Do I?
  2. Something Is Broken
  3. Publishing Trouble
  4. Login Issues
  5. Customizing Templates
are for providing help. People write in when they need help, they ask for help, and the helpers try and answer their questions. The contents of these forums is generally relevant to current issues, as all properly provided advice from the helpers is posted as answers to the various questions.

Share Your Blog is a different forum. There, everybody gets up and yells,
  • Hey everybody, check out my blog!
  • Hey everybody, check out this neat article that I just wrote!
  • Hey everybody, here's some useful advice!

Some people ignore the amenities of Share Your Blog, and post in one of the 5 help forums various non sequiturs
  • Hey everybody, check out my blog!
  • Hey everybody, check out this neat article that I just wrote!
  • Hey everybody, here's some useful advice!
ignoring the focus of those forums. The people who need the help will be doing several things.
  • Most Frequently: Posting pleas for help
    Hey somebody please help me with My Problem!
    and waiting for a solution to My Problem.
  • Occasionally: Looking for posts
    Hey somebody please help me with My Problem!
    to see what solution, if any, was found for My Problem.
  • Seldom to Never: Looking for posts
    • Hey everybody, check out my blog!
    • Hey everybody, check out this neat article that I just wrote!
    • Hey everybody, here's some useful advice!

There are other problems with the
  • Hey everybody, check out my blog!
  • Hey everybody, check out this neat article that I just wrote!
  • Hey everybody, here's some useful advice!
  • It produces clutter in the forums.
  • It encourages the other helpers to spend their time writing marginally helpful articles, and less time helping.
  • It encourages the other helpers to likewise write
    • Hey everybody, check out my blog!
    • Hey everybody, check out this neat article that I just wrote!
    • Hey everybody, here's some useful advice!
    which leads to still more clutter.
  • The
    • Hey everybody, check out my blog!
    • Hey everybody, check out this neat article that I just wrote!
    • Hey everybody, here's some useful advice!
    posts, which cannot be pinned, and which generate no responses, will disappear below the many help requests, helping nobody.
  • The
    • Hey everybody, check out my blog!
    • Hey everybody, check out this neat article that I just wrote!
    • Hey everybody, here's some useful advice!
    posts, which cannot be pinned, and which generate any responses, will frequently be labeled as
    and your well meaning advice, valid or invalid, will vanish behind a barrage of attacks against you and your intentions.
  • Unless you are perfect, what you write will eventually need revising. When you answer a request for help, you try to stay close to the subject at hand. With no opening question to help you focus, your subject may wander. And no matter how valid and necessary the advice, what you post remains in its incomplete or imperfect state forever.
  • Other helpers, some who agree with the subject (however incompletely stated) at hand, would provide benefit by writing their own blog articles, and linking to your advice in your blog. When you neglect your blog, and post advice in your forum posts, their ability to link to your advice is impaired.
In general,
  • Hey everybody, check out my blog!
  • Hey everybody, check out this neat article that I just wrote!
  • Hey everybody, here's some useful advice!
is bad practice.

If you want to help, answer questions. Post links to your articles, in the body of your posts, and make sure that the links are relevant. Post links to your blogs in your signature. But don't get in a help forum, and yell
  • Hey everybody, check out my blog!
  • Hey everybody, check out this neat article that I just wrote!
  • Hey everybody, here's some useful advice!


Ron Southern said…
I guess you got that out of your system, but it seems improbable that anyone who needs to read your article is likely to read it. It's WalMart, you know? And every time I go to WalMart, someone is going out the doors clearly marked Entrance and someone is going in the doors marked Exit. I don't know if it's because they're herd animals or because they all just blunder through their lives, but none of them are logical. You might as well just beat some of them up for all the good it'll do to talk to them.
Ozzie Alfonso said…
I have a feeling I'm posting in the wrong blog, but here it goes. My "provile views" is stuck at 73. It has been stuck at that for over a month even though more viewers have dropped the blog and I doubt none have clicked on "full profile." Where can I go for a solution, or at least, to find out that it is indeed stuck?
Nitecruzr said…
I've read a lot of folks report the same, so you're not alone. No acknowlegement by BS yet though.

I'm not sure I would care anyway. I put meters on my blogs, that's enough for me.
Nitecruzr said…

Yeah, you're right, it's like trying to teach a pig to sing. Yet I do it anyway. *sigh*

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