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Import Content From A WordPress Blog

Some blog owners - weary of the restrictions, and lack of options and features, decide that WordPress is not part of their future - and are moving to Blogger.

An important part of changing from WordPress to Blogger publishing is the process of moving the existing blog content.

You can import WordPress content into a new Blogger blog - or use an existing Blogger blog. If you are migrating a WordPress domain to Blogger, you'll want to transfer the content, first.

When you move a WordPress blog to Blogger, you want to move the comments and posts, in a 3 step process.

  1. Export your comments and posts from WordPress, into a WXR file.
  2. Convert the WordPress WXR file, into a Blogger XML file.
  3. Split the converted WordPress WXR file, into a manageable Blogger XML file.
  4. Import the XML file into your blog - then publish the posts.

Export your comments and posts from WordPress, into a WXR file.

Use the WordPress Export wizard, to Export Your Content to Another Blog or Platform. Select "Download Export File", in the WordPress dashboard.

Go to Tools -> Export in your dashboard to download an XML file of your blog’s content. This format, which we call WordPress eXtended RSS or WXR, will contain your posts, pages, comments, categories, and tags.

Convert the WordPress WXR file, into a Blogger XML file.

Upload the WXR file, from Step #1, into the WordPress2Blogger utility, "". This will give you a XML file, on your computer, which you can split into manageable portions, then upload to Blogger.

Split the converted WordPress WXR file, into a manageable Blogger XML file.

Download the WordPress Split utility, then run it from your computer. Identify the import file, on your computer, to the split utility.

Import the XML file into your blog - then publish the posts.

Upload the XML file from Step #2, and Split in Step #3, using the Import wizard, on the Blogger dashboard Settings - Other page. Do not select the option to "Automatically publish".

Once the individual posts are imported, use the Posts menu to select, and Publish as necessary.

Note that the Import process works best when creating a new Blogger blog. If you are merging a Blogger and a WordPress blog, be wary of posts with similar titles, which can lead to possible URL conflicts - and to complex post URLs.

Finish the project.

With the content moved from WordPress to Blogger, if a domain is involved, you can now transfer the domain from WordPress. Then, get to work making your new blog more like your blog.

Note that security issues affect this project!

Note that success of this project is known to be affected by intrusive cookie filters and by intrusive script filters. The conversion, split, and import process requires both cookies and scripts from Blogger and from Google - in various domains - be allowed on your computer and on your network.

Neither clearing cache, cookies, and sessions - nor disabling all extensions in the browser - will substitute for proper cookie and script filter configuration.


#31# said…
Hi Dear cHUCK, converter doesnt work. Can i do conversion with an alternative tool or way?

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