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Pages And Posts Can Use Rich Text, In The Titles

Recently, in advising a blog owner of a (probably) unrelated problem, I discovered an unknown (to me) option, in both page and post editor.

Pages and posts can apparently use bold and italic characters, in titles. This interesting option does not work transparently, however.

If you would like a page or a post title to contain bold and / or italic characters, you must edit your page or post using HTML mode.

Neither Compose or HTML mode editor toolbars will add rich text formatting, to the page or post title. To add rich text, you have to use HTML mode - and manually type in the "<b>" ... "</b>" or "<i>" ... "</i>" tags, by hand.

Those of you who use HTML mode regularly have experienced the HTML mode syntax checker. The syntax checker is not idle while you type formatting tags, properly paired, into the title.

Type rapidly - and don't make a mistake - or you will see the error.

Type the rich text HTML tags rapidly - or face a syntax checker error.

If you see the error, get the tags just right. Then wait, patiently.

You can make your titles distinctive, with a little work!

Having properly added the desired tags - correctly paired - the error will go away. You can publish when you're ready - and your page or post, like this post, will have a distinctive title.

But be careful! Right now, if you get a syntax error, it may not display so small!


Leslie Hanna said…
Oh, YAY! I'm going to have to try this! Thank you!
Grumpy1 said…
I always start my blogging sessions with what I call, a 'Chuck-le' - ie: a visit to see what you've let mere mortals, like me, into, or are teaching us ... and, you've done it again, mate.
Thank you.

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