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Blogger Support Balances Recovery Against Security

We continue to see complaints, in Blogger Help Forum: Get Help with an Issue, from people not receiving acceptable help in recovering account / blog control.

Some supposed blog owners accuse Blogger of unlawfully denying them access to their blogs, when refused personal attention.

Theoretically, everybody should be able to recover control of their Blogger account, and their blogs, any time that they want.

Automated tools, provided by Blogger, enable a blog owner to recover access.

The automated tools, provided by Blogger Engineering, can provide account / blog access at a moments notice - without requiring use of any forum or other human involvement.

Unfortunately, everybody who claims to require forum assistance, in recovering control of their account, is not always doing just that. Some people are actually asking for help in stealing somebody else's account / blog.

For best ownership experience, remember the account name and password.

The best policy, for successful account / blog ownership, involves retaining control of your account - by always remembering the account name and the password. There is really no excuse for forgetting the account name / password - and routinely logging in to Blogger using the backup email account.

Blogger has to support blog owners who remember account name and password.

Blogger support for forgotten / lost account login details has to be properly balanced, against the need for all Blogger blog owners to retain ownership of their blogs. Blogger Support can only provide so much advice and assistance about account recovery.

Google is a business - and Google staff make proper business decisions.


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