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Bounced Email May Not Show Up In "Bulk" / "Spam"

We've been discussing the problem of email filtering, and missing email, for some time.

Some blog members / owners are certain that their missing email isn't caused by filters.
I looked in "Bulk" / "Spam"! The email isn't there, either - it simply does not get delivered!!
These people are certain that Blogger just is not sending the email.

In some cases, the problem is not with "Bulk" / "Spam" filters - it is with anti-spoofing filters - and email detected as spoofed, generally, is "bounced".

Bounced email never makes it as far as the "Bulk" / "Spam" filtering - it is simply rejected, and possibly returned to the sender (if identifiable).

Most - but not all - unwanted email is dropped into "Bulk" / "Spam" folders.

Most undesirable email will be delivered to the recipient - and dropped into the "Bulk" or "Spam" folders. This lets the recipient train the filters, when necessary, by marking some email as "Not Spam".

Spoofed email, on the other hand, is blocked upstream from the spam filters. Spoof filters do not need to be trained - email, detected as spoofed, is simply rejected.

Not all "spoof" classified email is fraudulently originated.

Unfortunately, not all "spoofed" email is being fraudulently mis addressed.To name but a few - are being rejected by many email spoof filters.

Mail is detected as "spoofed", simply because it is addressed to, or originates from, a Blogger account with a non GMail email address, yet mentions "", "", or "" in the email headers. The spoofing filters examine email header content - not email body content - and are not trained by the addressees.

Important email, sent to you, may be bounced - without your knowledge.

If you are looking for important email from Blogger, you have looked in vain in "Bulk" / "Spam", and either you or the person originating the email uses non GMail based email, you may have to work very patiently with the network administrator who maintains the email service where your email is missing.

Find out if DKIM / DMARC / SPF email filters are used, to keep you safe - and try to persuade the email system administrators to filter "", "", and "" more appropriately.
We are analysing this problem, and related problems. If you are missing important email - or if non delivered email has been reported to you - please read and heed the next article. The solution may start with your report.


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