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Use Two Browsers, With Multiple Accounts Involved

Google has been providing single login access, to (almost all) Google services, for many years.

Properly maintained, we can have one Google account, which lets us access all services, using one login. The single login approach is a convenience, when all of the services, which we use, are part of the same Google account.

The single login approach becomes a challenge, when some of the services, which we use, are part of different Google accounts. As owners of Blogger blogs, there are some scenarios, where we have to deal with two different Google accounts simultaneously.
When we have to deal with two Google accounts, simultaneously, the single login approach becomes a problem.

Frequently, when you request assistance with a problem which involves your Google account, we'll start by advising you to
Clear cache, cookies, and sessions (yes, all 3) - then restart the browser.
This advice is neither ceremonial, nor pedantic - it's practical. And, it solves more problems than you would believe. An alternate, developed somewhat later, is to
Logout from all Google products - then login to Blogger, using the administrator Blogger account, for the blog.
This advice is simpler, and less risky than clearing cache, cookies, and sessions.

Simple advice works, in many problem situations.

The former solution works - because many problems are caused by the Google account login cookie, which is used to retain login status from application to application, within the various Google services which we may use. This is how Google provides single login to their various services.

The latter works, because many problems involve the Google multi-account login, which is not a supported Blogger feature.

That simple advice works best when we care only about the Google service immediately visible - and it requires careful maintenance of cookies filters.

Alternately, logout then login, repeatedly - exhausting, and risky.

In cases where two services - or two Google accounts - are involved, you'd need to switch between account / service, rapidly and repeatedly. Rapidly logging out of one account, to login to another account, is both exhausting and technically unsafe.

Rapidly logging out then back in, to various Google accounts, creates odd symptoms, like the well known monolithic error
You have logged out from another location. Do you want to log in again?
Who among us has been able to correctly answer this simple query properly, without undue rise in blood pressure?

Clearing private data affects more than Google services.

Another problem with clearing cookies, routinely, is that not all browsers allow selective clearing of cookies. Many have observed problems with non Google websites, after solving a Google problem which involves
Clear cache, cookies, and sessions (yes, all 3) - then restart the browser.
Yes, there are websites outside the Googlesphere!

Use of two browser sessions is the most consistently effective and safe solution.

If we need to work with two Google accounts, simultaneously, the only safe technique is to use two browsers, simultaneously. Since the Google login cookie is created separately, in each different browser, use of two browsers lets us maintain two Google sessions, simultaneously, without interaction between the two.

Since no two browsers are alike, we know realistically, that using two different browsers should not be done routinely. Many blog owners have a most favourite, and a least favourite, browser - and won't willingly use a different browser except when absolutely necessary.

Some browsers provide two sessions internally.

Fortunately, some modern browsers, to retain their own customer base, allow for multiple sessions - where cookies and other preferences and settings can be maintained separately. Chrome has the "Incognito Window", and Firefox has "Private Browsing" - both of which let you, temporarily, setup a second browser session, with separate cookies, preferences, and settings.

In most cases, then - and if you are using Chrome or Firefox - when we advise you to
Clear cache, cookies, and sessions (yes, all 3) - then restart the browser.
you should be able to, alternately,
Activate a second browser session, when you are not currently using a second session.
In cases where you are currently using a second browser session, the advice would be more correctly phrased
Close the current second browser session, then start a new second browser session.
This advice would flush all current cookies, preferences, and settings which could possibly involve multiple Google accounts, and avoid various problems with Blogger and non Blogger applications.


Unknown said…
Another possible solution is to use a portable version of your browser. Like Firefox and have it installed? Install the portable Firefox, and it looks and acts the same. You can even run another copy of the portable Firefox to get three different browsers going.

I currently use Firefox Nightly as my daily browser (I'm a masochist...). I also have Firefox release as a portable program, and I have Firefox beta as a portable program, and use both mainly for an online game that I now have two accounts with, and which basically needs to be connected 24/7. If I run into a problem with the Nightly, I can always use the portable release to get what I need done done.

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