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The Content Of Your Reading List Is Your Responsibility

Occasionally, we see an odd problem report about Reading List content, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken.
How did this blog get into my Reading List? I did not Follow this blog!

Most people will not, knowingly, Follow a spam blog. This is one reason why Following is so popular - each blog owner, and blog reader can easily bypass, and actively block - spam. Spammers have, however, found devious ways to convince people to Follow them.

Nobody will, intentionally, Follow a spam blog. If we unintentionally Follow a blog which is owned by somebody gullible to the spammers suggestions, it's not difficult to identify, and stop Following, any blogs owned by gullible people.

You can, using the right reporting procedure, identify the blogs which offend you. It's possible that Blogger / Google will, given the right complaints, remove such blogs.
  • Any action taken upon your report of problem blogs is subject to delay - and due process of law - before any results will be seen.
  • The content which offends you may not be provided in a Blogger blog. Google has no power over non Google hosted websites.
  • Any blogs removed as a result of your complaints will be replaced, in the spam blog cloud, which you are seeing, thanks to the blog which you are Following.

When you see content which offends you, in your Reading List, the proper resolution will be simple.
  • Find, and remove, the blogs which you are Following - and which provide the problem content presence in your Reading List.
  • Report the blogs which you are Following - not the blogs / websites which provide the unwanted content.
You may, at your discretion, add a third step.
  • Report the blogs or websites which provide the unwanted content.
But do the third step, as a third step - not as the only step. Report the problem blogs - as Step #2 - here, or in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken. Be part of The Solution - not The Problem.

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