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Let Your Readers Decide Which Dynamic View To Use, When Viewing Your Blog

Some time ago, I pointed out that our readers should provide the final voice, in deciding how to view our blogs. Not everybody seems to agree with me.
I have been told by my readers, having viewed my blog, that they have the option to change which dynamic setting - because the drop down menu is accessible to them. I have tried this myself when not logged in, and it completely messes up the view I want. How can I fix this so only I can change the settings?
This blog owner believes that only he knows how his readers should see his blog.

It is possible, through the use of the right CSS, to remove specific view selections from the View Select menu, in a dynamic template. Your knowledgeable readers, though, know that the dynamic views are directly accessible through the proper URLs.

Here are three views of this blog. Today, you'll see this article, at the top.
  1. This blog, in non dynamic view.
  2. This blog, in Magazine view.
  3. This blog, in Sidebar view.

Click on the second link, in the list. That should open a new tab or window in the browser, showing this blog, in Magazine view. Look at the browser address window.
Now, type "sidebar" in place of "magazine", in the address window, and hit Enter.

Your readers can do the same, when viewing your blog. Why not allow them the convenience of doing just that, without typing? But, it's your blog - and in the end, it's your choice.


recorder said…
I like non dynamic view because simple

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