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Blogger Magic - A Static Home Page, Video Demonstration

To better explain the process of setting up a blog with a static home page, I have produced a new video demonstration (somewhat improved, from the attempt earlier today). This is experimental, so be kind.

This is intentionally a silent video, because the recording process, used for displaying the screen, is very heavy on computer resources. Audio doesn't improve the experience.

See the How To page, in the demo blog, first:

My Static Home Page Demonstration Blog

And now, the video:

Nitecruzr Video: Setting Up A Blog With A Static Home Page

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Should there be audio?
Nitecruzr said…
No, Jeff, it's silent - the Screen Share feature uses a lot of resources, and caused some nasty audio, the first time I tried doing a Hangout.

Thanks for watching though.
oliver said…
Hi Chuck,

great post - good idea!

I have one question - in the settings there is a small box "permanent", there you can put a tick .. what's the job of this setting? It seems to do nothing ... is there a possibility to get back to [real] homepage with all the posts? Until now, I do it with workaround, namely ... do you know a smarter way?


[and sorry for my poor english ...]
Nitecruzr said…
Thanks for the encouragement, Oliver!

You're asking about "permanent" vs "temporary" forwarding - which is an Internet issue - not a Blogger issue, and it's been an issue for a few years. I did some research, on "301 Moved Permanently" vs "302 Moved Temporarily" forwarding, a few years back.

Personally, I don't see any choice better than "301 Moved Permanently" (ie, checking "Permanent"). Having said that, maybe it's time to revisit the issue.
oliver said…
Hi Chuck - thanks for feedback!

Yes, 301 moved vs. 302 moved sounds logical. Maybe it's a good idea - to avoid double content - to use the "permanent" issue.

Thanks for your blogging such themes, your blog is a great mine for blogger themes.

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