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The CAPTCHA Sucks - But It Does Zoom

I have yet to see anybody who loves - or even likes - CAPTCHA ("word verification") screening. Several weeks ago, I noted a distinct drop in comments here, so I removed it from this blog. I am not the only blog owner to do just that.

I do note that it is a bit - just a bit - easier when it is larger. Both Chrome and Firefox use the Zoom key
Ctrl +
to make text larger. And the CAPTCHA form zooms, the same way.

A quick 1 - 2 - 3 hits of Ctrl + makes the CAPTCHA larger, and I find maybe 25% easier to read. It still sucks - but Zoom makes it suck slightly less. Whether it truly stops scripted hacking - even with the new form - remains to be seen, though.


CWMartin said…
Captchas ain't so bad- it was the double captchas that mess us all up. SAs does taking the "subscribe to e-mail" option off replies if the blog has comments in a seperate window. Does every new tweak have to blow chunks?

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