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Dynamic Templates Lack A Dashboard Link In The Header Bar

Yesterday, we saw a few reports in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, mentioning the lack of a link, in the dynamic views header bar, to our dashboards.
I'm using dynamic views and now can't access my dashboard!
It appears that the Blogger logo / Attribution ("Powered by Blogger" caption), which formerly linked to our dashboards, is not there, any more. This deficiency appears universal - the links no longer appear on all different dynamic views, on header bars with the views listed side by side or in the pulldown list, or on blogs where dynamic views are default, or optional.

Having reported this problem to Blogger Support, we were informed that they are planning an update, coming very soon, that will provide links in the header bar similar to the right side of the non dynamic template navbar. We will, presumably, have links to "Design", "New Post", and such. Until then, the previous links have been removed from the header bar.

For the time being, you may access your dashboard simply using the link to Blogger.
Alternately, you may access the non dynamic alias of any blog, for instance

(Update 2011/11/16): We see now, various blogs with dynamic views, showing tiny Pencil ("New post") and Home ("Dashboard") icons, when the blog owner is properly signed in. You, not being an owner of this blog, will still see nothing, in my dynamic view demonstration of this blog.
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i'm going crazy right now... because i just tried to go on my blog and it said, "Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs."

i don't know what to do. i haven't done anything wrong. i didn't get any emails. i have my own domain which is "" and it's paid for!

i was just on there an hour ago and it was fine. i tried logging in and the dashboard shows up. i'm still able to click to edit my posts and everything but when i type in: "" that error message shows up.

i need to know what i can do to get it back. who can i contact? what should i do? please help!

my email is:

thank you so much!
- cindy

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