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Blog Owners Find Static Pages, On Dynamic Templates, Don't Allow Comments

A month ago, we discovered a problem with static pages and commenting, on our blogs. That problem was later fixed.

Yesterday, while exploring a subtle problem with commenting on posts when using a dynamic template, I discovered a new problem with static pages and commenting, also on the dynamic template.

You may examine my static page commenting form, in this blog - and observe that it's possible to leave a comment in that page, Leave Comments Here. Then find the same page, in a dynamic view of this blog, using the link in the menu bar (it's there - move the cursor, slowly) - and again, try to leave a comment in that page.

I think that the above test will illustrate the problem. This problem appears to be distinctly separate from the previously observed problem with the commenting form, and posts, in the dynamic template.

If you design your blog with static pages, and make comments from your readers a significant part of the experience, you may not wish to make the dynamic templates a default view, for your blog.

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