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Comments Settings In The New Blogger GUI

Ever since the New Blogger GUI (2011) was offered to us several months ago, we've been seeing odd questions about options for Comments in our blogs, in the New GUI.
How do I select the "Full page" or "Pop-up window" comment form, for my blog?
How do I select CAPTCHA verification?
and occasionally
Can I still have notification of comments, as published?
The latter question is easy enough to answer - it's just not as obvious as the other settings, in the New GUI. The first two questions represent genuine concerns, for some blog owners.

The first question - comment form placement - was recently made available, under Settings - "Posts and comments" - Comment Location.

The choice of whether to use CAPTCHA ("word verification") screening is a uniquely personal choice. Some blog owners are certain that CAPTCHA screening is necessary, while others are equally as certain that it's absolutely unnecessary. The absence of the choice causes some questions.

Finally, the comment notification option, while not actually omitted, is not obvious to everybody. Tucked away in the "Mobile and email" page, it's easy to miss, without a careful search.

Just as the several other known deficiencies, some Commenting options remain to be resolved, before every blog owner will willingly use the New GUI.

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