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Stats Not Displaying Newer Posts, In "Posts" Lists

The problem of last week, with Stats, was fixed late yesterday, and our Stats displays once again are showing Posts pageview counts and enumerating individual Posts. Now, we have a perceived problem, being reported by newer blog owners.
My Stats display does not show my newer posts!
This concern is visually valid - but it's not real. It's most common with blogs that have just over 10 posts, which are owned by people who are not aware of the Stats display limitations, as we have explored.

The Stats Posts displays enumerate the 10 most popular posts, for any given time period. Newer posts will seldom appear in the Posts lists, for many blogs.
  • The "Posts" lists enumerate individual posts, and shows pageview counts for posts viewed in single post view. Newer posts will be displayed in their entirety on the main page, and read as main page views.
  • The lists show only the 10 most popular posts. Newer posts, not yet indexed by the search engines, or linked by your readers, won't have as many inlinks - and the post page URLs won't get as much traffic from other blogs and websites.
Owners of newer blogs will not be aware of these details - and with just over 10 posts, may not see the significance, in their Stats displays. These owners will simply see, from time to time, posts that don't appear in the lists.

If you look at the main page, for this blog, you'll see use of "Jump Break" in my newer posts. Each of these posts, to be read in their entirety, can only be read using the "Read more" link - and from the individual post page. Look at the address window above.
Since you're viewing these words, this post is being counted in Posts, as a pageview. Thus the Posts lists, for this blog, will enumerate this post, sooner.

Here, we see another benefit of using "Jump Break" over other auto summarisation techniques. The "Jump Break" links directly to the single post view of each post - and it uses HTML, which makes it search engine friendly. Some previous auto summarisation techniques used JavaScript to hide the full post content, preventing search engines from indexing the full post text.

Besides encouraging the post content to be read as a post page, the search engines will index post content in the post pages. The archive retrievals, and main page, will only list the partial content of each post - and search engine hit lists will contain more relevant content.

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Sgpwritingh said…
Very interesting to know.. Thanks for sharing! :)

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