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Nitecruzr Dot Net Is Now Offline

This evening, the Custom Domain problem hit my home blog, Nitecruzr Dot Net. In a routine reload of the page, I was greeted with the dreaded
Server Not Found

Error 404

In attempting to recover the blog, I observed the equally unpopular
Another blog is already hosted at this address.

Having supposedly recycled the domain settings in Google Apps, I then received a final blow.

Say good night, Chuck.

But do report it to Blogger, so they can diagnose the problem.

>> (Update 8/30 17:00): Nitecruzr Dot Net, in all 3 aliases, is back online.

>> (Update 8/27 15:30): Progress??

Change is good
... or at least not boring.

We've got our top man working on it, round the clock.

>> (Update 8/30 17:00): Nitecruzr Dot Net, in all 3 aliases, is back online.

>> (Update 8/27 9:45): Blogger Support is actively looking at the problem.

>> Top


Aitor Guitarte said…
Is there any solution right now for my blog?? I'll appreciate any fix very much since no reader (or even me) can now get into my blog which is redirected to a personal domain from the free one

Every tool on is working ok, even posting or design changes and previews of the site

That's what I got 'till now
When modifying any DNS value you will get error 404, to solve it is
needed to change your blogger domain back to and
then turn it back to your personal domain. But here it comes the
paradox, the bx-f42977 error code unsolved yet. Actually that's not
the last problem you'll have since getting blogger back to your
personal domain will show you the following error: "There is an other
blog hosted on this domain", which requires shuting down your personal
domain from google apps, and turning it on 30 minutes later, after
doing the domain change from Blogger.

WTF!!!! we could even write a book about it, "The Odyssey, 2.0"
Egads! You poor thing! Custom Domains are...*snort-giggle* ...really custom :-)
Shravan said…
pls tell me how to fix this. I want to use custom domain
Mc_Evan said…
Ok,Please tell us when it is fixed.

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