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Custom Domain Publishing, And The 404 Error - Chronic Edition #2

A couple of weeks ago, I published Custom Domain Publishing, And The 404 Error - Chronic Edition. Since that time, I was able to contact Blogger Support more directly than through this blog, and I was able to pass on to them a few egregious cases which included the symptoms described in that post. Several of those cases, they were able to ultimately fix.

Many people were happy. Kudos, Blogger.

Until today that is; when 2 people, who were earlier using their blogs quite happily, reported to me, within the span of 1 hour, that their blogs were, now, displaying
Server Not Found
Error 404
Note, please, that the error, previously reported, was not identical.
Not Found
Error 404

Not Again!!

What does this mean? Only Blogger Support can say for sure.

If your custom domain published blog is now showing this new symptom, please let us know. Comments will be posted below.

Problem Log

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jetaaqld said…

I am reporting the same problem.

Google Apps

"Server Not Found - Error 404"



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