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How Did I Do That?

How did I create a dynamic feed showing the last 5 posts in this blog? Normally, I'd ask you to examine the code, then ask questions.

In this case, the solution involves more than just code. At least, you can't write this code on your own. Note: This example listing has extra line breaks inserted, to avoid causing sidebar alignment problems.

<div style='text-align:center; padding: 0px 3px 0.5em 3px;'>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""><noscript>
<a href="">Click for "The Real Blogger Status".</a> By <a href="">Feed Digest</a></noscript></script>

The code I got from FeedDigest. They take any set of Atom or RSS feeds (from any one, or from multiple web sites), and make you a custom feed in a javascript snippet like the above code. You put the above snnipet into your template, and you have a dynamic feed from this blog. You make your own (free) (of course), and you have the same, for your blog.

Don't like the style of the information, as formatted above? Well, that's part of the FeedDigest template that I used. They'll give you a choice of half a dozen templates, or you can roll your own if you like coding HTML. All free.


Evil Bro said…
My blog is still in its infancy. However, it seems that whenever I want to know something about its workings, or about changing it, the answer is always on one of your pages!

What is even better though, is that I always understand it. Fantastic.

Hats off to you Chuck.


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