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Why Do I Do This?

I had a friend ask me that question, recently. Wanting to know why I try to help other Bloggers deal with the vagaries of Blogger.

Why do you do this?

The implied second question (neither spoken nor written, and it didn't need to be so either) was

This isn't your problem.

I had not a clue what to say. At the time, anyway. But as I reflected upon the question, many replies occurred to me.

  • I wasn't affected by the "403 Forbidden" errors Monday, March 06, 2006.
  • I wasn't affected by the "403 Forbidden" errors Wednesday, March 08, 2006.
  • But I WAS affected two days later. My blog was unviewable for 4 DAYS.

    • Friday, 3/10, I started my day. I had some spare time mid morning, and I added a couple paragraphs to one of my posts.
    • I Published my updated post. And immediately discovered that I was now one of the lost. My updated post was not to be found. Just what I had been reading about for several days, but spared until that moment.

      403 Forbidden

    • I found my way to Blogger Help (not with ease, which is why I started this blog), and filled in the form.
    • I got my botmail, and replied.
    • And I made my way to Blogger Help, and Blogger Forum, and joined the masses there.
    • I got back nothing from repeated problem reports to Blogger Support, but botmail, until 3/13.
    • My first post in this blog, 403 Forbidden - Day 4, is from 3/14.
    • That problem wasn't really fixed til 3/15.

So, why do I do this? Because this IS my problem. If not today, maybe tomorrow. My blog is still hurting.

So, I will continue to ask questions of Blogger. Like, when will they communicate with the folks who provide their salary?

And, I'll offer obvious advice to fellow Bloggers.


CameraDawktor said…
Amen Brutha!!
Gimped Redneck said…
Nice reading your blogger blog... Sage advice indeed!

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