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Troubleshooting Your Blog, and the 450

I'll be blunt here. Blogspot / Blogger hosts millions of blogs, and has millions of worldwide customers. You send in a complaint to Blogger Support, about your blog, and it goes into a long queue. And if it's just YOUR problem with YOUR blog, that's where it will likely stay. Problems affecting multiple blogs, and problems affecting multiple Bloggers, or customers, get higher priority. That's common sense.

So, if YOU notice a problem with YOUR blog, it's up to YOU to troubleshoot. Now, I'm a desktop support technician, and I preach diagnostic procedure. Constantly.

Note: This article started out when the 450 error became a problem, and it's now a part of my general tutorial on troubleshooting Blogger problems.

If you're having a problem, don't just drop it on Blogger Support. Involve Blogger Forum and Google Blogger Help, too. Update all 3 groups, regularly, when suggestions are made by any others. Be patient and persistent.

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CameraDawktor said…
Awesome adivce, I linked to it today from my PLZ Save My Blog page. You rock!!
Kim Ber Lee said…
Ditch the Twit This function and others like it, and my blog stopped showing the Phishing Warning. Makes no sense how people do things on the sly to gain access to people's blogs. Make them show up as security issues. I run fair blogs. People that make things purposely to mess up the functions of others pages is wrong. People need to stop using their talents to cause others problems, and do something good for a change.

Thanks to you guys on this site for giving good advice to those that wish to save their blogs from hackers and idiots that make it hard to have fun blogging in peace.

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