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Stats "Unknown Region" And The "Audience" Map

The Stats "Audience" page is now showing a mysterious entry, in the "Pageviews by Countries" list, for some blogs.

The list of the top 10 most active countries, for the "Now", "Day", "Week", and / or "Month" lists, for some blogs, includes a non country name - "Unknown Region".

The "Unknown Region" entry appears to be associated with a second Stats oddity, a monochromatic "Pageviews by Countries" map. This oddity is causing some concern, in various forum discussions.

Where one would hope to see a familiar Stats multi-shaded Audience map, with various countries displayed in differing shades of green or black, some blog owners are seeing a monochromatic pale green display.

The monochromatic display appears to be accompanied by the mysterious "Unknown Region" entry, in the countries list.

I am examining the Stats "Audience" page, for this blog - in different time ranges.

"Now" selected, displaying "Unknown Region". 9/25 15:00

"All time" selected, not displaying "Unknown Region". 9/25 15:00

Since "Unknown Region" may not be relevant in all time ranges for mature blogs, selecting "All time" may bring back the familiar multi shaded green / black display - and display a list of 10 actual countries. Newer blogs, on the other hand, may show "Unknown Region" for "All time" - and all other time ranges.

GeoLocation is not an exact process - and some people may be using IP addresses that simply have not been registered with all Internet services.

I'm suspecting that Blogger decided that with "Unknown Region" displayed, the "Pageviews by Countries" list is not accurate enough to make the shaded map relevant. If "Unknown Region" is present in the list, where would you shade the map?

With some Stats displays, it's possible that if the country containing the "Unknown Region" was known, the activity list might fall in a different sequence. That being the case, the country map might be shaded completely differently.

Rather than display a map with only 9 countries shaded inaccurately, they are now displaying a map in monochromatic green.

For practical advice, as I suggest about referer spam entries, the blog owners may wish to observe the mystery briefly - then get on with their lives.

Publish more actual content, get more readers, and the "Unknown Region" numbers will become statistically less significant. Or, select a different time range, for a different perspective.

Don't be mislead by signs prohibiting elephants, or maybe inventorying bX codes, or various other idle activity.

3 hours after I started this study, "Unknown Region" is no longer part of "Now" - though it can still be seen as "Day".

"Now" 9/25 18:00

"Day" 9/25 18:00

Preliminary findings suggests that "Unknown Region" follows a pattern, long ago observed with referer spam.

Some #Blogger blog owners are seeing a mysterious entry "Unknown Region" in some Stats "Audience" country lists, accompanied by a monochromatic "Pageviews by Countries" map. Like many Blogger mysteries, this observation leads to some concern.

The monochromatic display may simply involve #Blogger not wishing to display an inaccurate or misleading country map. Where would one shade the map to show "Unknown Region", after all?


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