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Blogger Magic - Enabling Exceptions, In Chrome

Some blog owners and readers prefer to ignore recommendations in Chrome - and block cookies and / or scripts.

Blocking cookies can cause problems with many Blogger features - and blocking scripts will cause problems with both Blogger and with Google, and with various other websites.

If you want to use Blogger and Google effectively, you need to allow cookies to be installed, and to allow scripts to be run, on your computer.

If you cannot allow cookies and scripts for all websites, you can allow cookies and / or scripts on specific websites.

With Chrome, if you are willing to selectively allow specific websites to install cookies / run scripts, you should enable exceptions for those websites.

Start with the "Content settings" wizard.

Select "Block third-party cookies and site data", and / or "Do not allow any site to run JavaScript".

Add cookie exceptions, for specific websites.

Click on "Manage exceptions" under Cookies, to get the "Cookie and site data exceptions" wizard.

To add "" as a cookie exception, paste / type "[*.]", and select "Allow".

Click anywhere in the wizard window, to see the addition - then click "Done".

Add JavaScript exceptions, for specific websites.

Click on "Manage exceptions" under JavaScript, to get the "JavaScript exceptions" wizard.

To add "" as a JavaScript exception, paste / type "[*.]", and select "Allow".

Click anywhere in the wizard window, to see the addition - then click "Done".

Remember that cookie and script filter settings, in Chrome, may not be the only settings which you need to consider - and that many filters are subject to change, without your knowledge or approval.

For more detail about cookie and JavaScript exceptions, see Chrome Help: Manage exceptions. These are settings that you must determine and install - neither Blogger nor Google can make these changes for you.

Security conscious #Blogger blog owners may wish to ignore #Chrome recommendations, and block general permission for websites to install cookies and / or run scripts on their computers.

Some websites will not run properly, without cookies and scripts. If one is to use websites like Blogger and Google successfully, they need to be trusted - and Chrome must allow those websites to install cookies / run scripts.


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