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Country Code Alias Redirection, And GeoLocation

Occasionally, we see signs of confusion, from people who understand Country Code Alias Redirection, in general.
I live in Hungary - but I am reading blogs with the ".sk" suffix!
This blog reader knows about alias redirection - but does not understand why he is seeing redirection for Slovakia (".sk"), instead of Hungary (".hu").

Not all Blogger blog owners or readers understand that Country Code Alias Redirection depends upon the ability to determine the geographical location of each blog reader.

Country Code Alias Redirection uses geolocation, to identify the location of each reader.

Some smaller ISPs, located near a country border, may actually get service through a larger ISP in another country. Customers of the smaller ISP may appear, through geolocation, to reside in the other country.

This can be an unfortunate problem, with country code alias redirection, and with language detection. People located in one country, or reading a different language, may not appreciate the confusion which follows.

Thanks to domain based filtering, this may cause a security issue for some blog owners, near country borders, who may not be able to maintain / publish their blogs.

Unfortunately, geolocation, using the Internet Address (aka "IP" address), will never return precise results. Some readers will always show up, in the various visitor logs, under a different location than geography would have them.


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