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New Custom Domains Purchased From A Registrar, And Lacking The Transition Period For New Domains

We've known about the Transition period, which has applied to domains purchased through Blogger, for a few years.

Under Transition, domains purchased using "Buy a Domain" were only partially published, immediately after the domain purchase - with the publishing process completed, several days later. The Transition period allowed for the domain, newly setup by "Buy a Domain", to become fully visible on the Internet, before blogs subject to Transition were re published.

The Transition period was originally applied to blogs re published using "Buy a Domain", to delay redirection of the BlogSpot URL to the domain URL, until after a new domain was fully visible, to all Internet DNS servers.

Transition was designed to apply to new domains, purchased using "Buy a Domain", with the hope that domains purchased outside "Buy a Domain" would not need Transition.

When "Buy a Domain" was active, most blogs being published to domains not just purchased using "Buy a Domain" did not require Transition.
  • Blogs published to domains, purchased directly from a registrar, would be owned by people with experience setting up domains. People with experience would be able to cope better with the DNS Latency, and inherent instability, involved with new domains.
  • Some blogs would be published to mature domains, which would not need Transition at all.

With the ending of the "Buy a Domain" feature, we now have every new domain owner, experienced and not, purchasing domains directly from registrars.

In many cases, Transition is not needed for newly purchased domains, when the owner is not experienced. Inexperienced domain owners make mistakes, when setting up their domains. The domain setup process creates its own limited length "Transition" period, for inexperienced domain owners.

Recently, some domain owners have reported a new symptom, when using the Publishing wizard, to publish their blogs to their newly purchased domains.
This operation failed. Try again later. If the problem persist, please file a post on the help forum.

This new symptom may be replacing the long dreaded "Another blog or Google Site is already using this address.".

Most domain owners, seeing "This operation failed.", have domains with bad DNS addresses. They are generally instructed
You need to correct your DNS addresses.
Those not instructed to correct their DNS addresses should probably be advised
Your DNS addresses are righteous. You now need to wait 24 to 48 hours, for the newly purchased domain to be visible, everywhere on the Internet.
The latter advice will be necessary, simply because the domain was properly setup, immediately - even with the domain not fully visible across the entire Internet.

What happens with gadgets, which need updating, is yet to be observed.

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