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Static Page Created, Has Home Page URL

We get occasional reports, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, about a broken Pages gadget.
I created a new page - but when you click on the link, you get bounced back to the Home page!

When you look at the blog with the problem, it's easy enough to verify the report - just look at the URL behind the link, for the most recent page created. Indeed, it points straight to the Home page (base URL for the blog).

When this happens, there is a very simple workaround. Just create another page, identical to the problem entry.

Thinking of the past 4 years since the Static Pages feature was added to Blogger, I am betting that I have seen this report maybe 2 dozen times. That is, just enough to know that this is a problem - but nowhere enough to detect any pattern.
  • BlogSpot vs custom domain.
  • Template Name.
  • Template type ("designer" / "layout" vs "dynamic").
  • Position of Pages gadget ("Tabs" vs "Sidebar").
  • Geographical location of owner.
  • Dynamic vs Static page entry.
  • Number of pages.
I have not yet seen any obvious affinity, with this problem - mainly because it's reported too infrequently.

If your blog is affected by this oddity - and you feel like taking the time, I'd like for you to first try resetting the "Pages1" gadget, similar to resetting the Post Template aka "Blog1". If that does not produce an improvement, then try the workaround - add an additional page, identical to the broken one. See if that solves the problem.

If the additional page works better, then you can delete or hide the previously created (broken) page. My apologies to you, if the problem page is the 19th (or possibly the 20th) static page.

If you're here, looking for help with this problem, and it is now 2016 (or later), my congratulations to you for finding your way here.

We note one interesting detail - sometimes, multiple republishing may be required, to have a working Pages gadget. The Mysterious Pages Index Gadget Static Page Created, Has Home Page URL


Stephanie Berry said…
I've been trying to add a page with pricing for my artwork. No matter what I do it just never shows up. I've tried doing the same page a second and third time but nothing shows. I use the dynamic view and my older pages all show. The page shows on the dashboard but not on the blog view. Any new ideas to solve this problem?
Stephanie Berry said…
I finally got this fixed. Never in the past did I have to do anything in the layout section to add a page. That page box under gadgets opens to give you the option to add the new page at the top. Sometimes the simple is SO complicated for me.
Nitecruzr said…
Thanks for the update, Stephanie.

Blogger loves to make things simpler for some people - and constantly makes things more complicated, for others.

The way they spread out page display and setup options frequently astonishes me, even so.
Unknown said…

It really worked out in solving my problem,as I straight away created similar pages to the problem crating one, and go my problem solved.Let me thank you very much for the help as it killed lot of time....keep on,all the best!
Muv said…
Hello Chuck,

After bouncing around for a couple of hours I found you!

My first ever try at adding a page to my blog turned into a disappearing act. The page showed up nowhere, and the tab for it just went back to the home page. So I reverted the page to draft to try and find out what was going wrong. After reading your post here, I went back and copied and pasted the entire content of the draft to make a new identical page, and it worked.

Thanks a million!

If you ever get into a twist with your sewing, just let me know.

Love from England,
Muv aka Lizzie Lenard

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