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Blogger Magic - Verifying A Blog Feed URL

It's a fairly simple matter to determine the newsfeed URL, for any given blog, by examining the blog template code.

Besides the base feed, a blog may publish an extensive array of additional feeds, which won't be listed directly in the blog template code. You may use any given feed, in networking your blog, with any Google or non Google service.

Starting with any feed URL, what do I do? I could just open my favourite feed reader, or social networking web site, and paste the URL in place. But what if the feed reader or web site wasn't working properly, or I misunderstood the instructions? What if I see
Invalid URL
or the like, what do I do?

The smart thing to do, before you setup a FeedBurner feed or any complementary non Blogger service, is to test the feed.

Many modern browsers (Firefox or Internet Explorer, for instance) will give you a formatted display, when you are loading a feed URL.

This blog is The Real Blogger Status

Blogger blogs publish 4 different posts newsfeeds.

This blog has 4 site posts feeds.

Firefox and Internet Explorer both render newsfeeds as HTML,

displayed by Firefox

displayed by Internet Explorer

Besides the 4 posts newsfeeeds, there are various comment and label feeds.

Besides the blog posts feed (in the many aliases), each individual post may publish a comments feed. And the blog, using a number of labels, may publish a number of label feeds.

A properly formatted feed URL will be visible, in any browser with a feed reader.

Any properly formatted feed URL, referencing a published feed, will likewise produce a formatted feed display - in a browser which formats feeds.

Here we see a known oddity with Chrome, which does not, automatically, render a newsfeed as a formatted display.

Any feed link should produce a display indicating feed content.

Click on the above feed link, for instance, and the browser should inform you, explicitly, that you're viewing a feed. If you load what you think is your feed URL into your browser, and you don't see a similar display, recheck your URL.


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