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Attempting To Remove Old FTP Published Blogs From Blogger Account Corrupts The BlogList

Recently, we've seen a few reports from unhappy blog owners who used to publish blogs using FTP, who tried to delete the FTP published blogs from their Blogger account, and now can't access their dashboard bloglist - or even login to their Blogger accounts successfully.
I recently tried to delete an old FTP published blog from our account, I hit the "delete blog" button, and I get error code bX-dm6o9e. When I try to access my dashboard, I get the same error.

The option to publish a Blogger blog to remote, non Google hosted, server space - known as FTP Publishing - ended several years ago. Now, people attempting to clean up their blog list, and trying to remove old, FTP published blogs will find a problem. We note that the dashboard utilities, in general, can still be accessed, using the navbar links - or the quick edit post links.

We have a Problem Rollup discussion, where we are requesting diagnostic details from victims of this problem.
  1. Have you tried using the Classic or the New GUI - or both?
  2. Does your Blogger account use a Blogger, Google, or Google+ profile?
  3. What's your Blogger Profile URL?
  4. Is the blog being deleted in existence, on the remote server?
  5. Does the blog being deleted have current and valid DNS addresses, pointing to the contents?
  6. What's the URL of the blog being deleted?
  7. What browsers have you tried using? Do you get the bX-dm6o9e error from each browser?
If you are experiencing the bX-dm6o9e code, please answer the questions as best you can, to encourage Blogger Engineering to identify and correct the cause of the problem.

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Anonymous said…
hello, this is a test comment.

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