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Blog Membership Is The Responsibility Of The Blog Administrators

We see occasional confusion in Blogger Help Forum: How Do I? about gaining (or re gaining) access to a given blog.
I made my buddy an administrator - and now, I can't control the blog. Who do I contact to get this corrected?
I was reader of a blog which is now private. Can Blogger provide me contact to the blog owner?
Not everybody realises that Blogger does not provide blog access / membership control.

Though Blogger / Google is theoretically responsible (to a very limited degree) for content of the blogs which they host, access and membership control of any blog is the responsibility of the blog administrators / owners. And control is ownership.

If you provide your friend control of your blog, and your friend removes your control, the blog is now your (former) friend's responsibility. Blogger will not help you regain control, either.

If you want access to a private blog, Blogger won't help you there, either. Blogger supports our desire to publish a blog anonymously and in complete privacy - and if we (or anybody else) publishes a blog privately, they are responsible for proving contact information.

If you lose control of your blog, by forgetting the owning account name / password, and losing access to any backup tokens, you have lost control of your blog. Hoping that a responsible owner still exists, Blogger will retain the blog in question, until a responsible owner shows up. Threatening a lawsuit, because Blogger has stolen your blog, is frivolous misuse of court time.

In neither case, will you do anything but waste time, by posting in Blogger Help Forum: How Do I? and demanding personal attention, from a real person in Google.

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Admin said…
someone hacked my friend of friend's account. After my friend given admin rights to that friend (hacker). Then hacker removed my friend from blog admin/author.

//If you provide your friend control of your blog, and your friend removes your control, the blog is now your (former) friend's responsibility. Blogger will not help you regain control, either.//

if blogger cant help, can we file a case against that friend?

That hacker now using doubleclick ads in that blog.

Can we do anything on this case?
Nitecruzr said…

I sympathise with you - really.

Unfortunately, if blog ownership transfers are to work, they have to be treated as authoritative. If you give somebody administrative authority, that administrative authority has to be absolute. And if somebody with administrative authority decides to remove your administrative authority, you have to deal with the new administrator - not with Blogger Support.

And once again, I repeat myself.

Do not add administrators that you cannot trust.

Do not add administrators that you cannot trust.

Do not add administrators that you cannot trust.

Allah is great - he does not send us problems that we are incapable of handling - though sometimes we may be unwilling to handle them, at the time.
Admin said…
Thank you for your reply sir!

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