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Photos Recently Uploaded In Blog Posts Don't Display Properly, As Thumbnails - Part 2

Last week, we explored a problem with photos not displaying properly in the blog. A few blog owners have noted the published fix
Edit the post HTML and remove all "height = 0" and "width = 0" attributes.
Recently, we're seeing suggestions that the above suggestion helps - but not always.
I looked at another post that said to manually remove the height and width = 0 tag from Edit HTML tab of the new post editor, but that has not solved the problem.

Looking at the HTML in some blogs, we can see another, similarly interesting detail. Here's an example.

<a href="https:" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img r6="true" src="https:" border="0"></a>

Look at the URL of this post, in your browser address window.

Almost all blog content is accessed using "http", not "https".

If you have a post with missing photos, edit the post in HTML mode. Look at the above example.
<a href="http:" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img r6="true" src="http:" border="0"></a>
The "https" protocol is used in very specific Internet dialogues - generally when you are logging in to a Blogger or Google service. There are known bandwidth and performance issues associated with use of "https", and some relevant details may be causing the symptom here.

The solution, in this case, is to check for use of "https" in all photo HTML, and change any such use to "http".

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Perfect and quick fix nitecruzr - thank you. By the way, in the event it helps somehow, I noticed that it is only my Picasa hosted images that somehow added the "s"; a couple that I had hosted on Imageshack did not do this when I added them to a blog post.
Anonymous said…
Here is a French blogger tips post that suggest that you replace the googlecontent part too:

Check the address of the first frame of a message (from a Picasa album), and replace https ://... ... by ... . Blogger will create a flow with a sticker to be posted by subscribers to your RSS."
By "sticker" he means a thumbnail.

This appears to me to relate to images first uploaded to Picasa and then embedded in or linked to the blog post, and not images uploaded to the blog post directly from the user harddrive, which also end up in Picasa, but in a different way.
Regards to all.
Beverly Walker said…
I have tried the suggested fixes to get my pictures to appear but have had no luck. I checked for height=0; replaced https with http; and googleusercontent with ggpht. Still no pictures. The pictures were originally there as posted, but disappeared and replaced with a red x about 2 weeks ago. Now what???
Nitecruzr said…

I think this is an question that you need to ask in your own discussion, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken.
AstroNerdBoy said…
Here's a photo issue to address with your blog, namely Blogger ramrodding a low quality, cropped, thumbnail image code line into all posts. I believe this was initially done because a few people complained that if they posted a link to a Blogspot blog, they had no image options. I never had this problem but the horrible thumbnail is worse than no image at all IMO and so I have to manually add lines of image code to the main HTML code in order to have a decent image to use for my blog post on Facebook.

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