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Sudden and Total Loss Of Followed Blogs

Occasionally in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, we see the panic.
OMG, all of the blogs - hundreds of them - that I was Following just disappeared!
Sometimes, this points to a major problem with Following - and combining a low background noise level in the forum, and understanding of epidemiological trends in the forums, we may unearth a new problem. Frequently, though, this does not point to any catastrophe at all.

When the Asker of the discussion provides the URL of an owned blog, we can identify the profile of the Asker which still contains the hundreds of missing blogs. Sometimes, we see that the missing blogs are being Followed under one Blogger account, the asker has inadvertently created more than one Blogger account, and is now blindly logged in to the wrong Blogger account.

When the asker is able to successfully clear cache, cookies, and authenticated sessions, and subsequently restarts the browser, he / she can generally login to Blogger, using the original Blogger account - and regain Followed access to the missing blogs.

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