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Owners Of Blogs, Spuriously Classified As Spam, See Comments Posted Disappear From Various Blogs

Truth is stranger than fiction, and Blogger provides no exception to that saying. In Something Is Broken: Comments from restored blog owner ... are being erased by blogger!, we see the report
My blog was removed on June 12th but my blog returned on June 14th.

I believe that was when I first noticed the disappearing comments problem. Everyone else's comments on that post remained intact but my own comment had disappeared.

So this is a definitely a problem that started after the removal and restoration of my blog.

If this tale is real, we see what appears to be another effort in the war against spam, with a twist.
  1. The blog owner posts comments, in her / his blog, and in other blogs where he / she is known and unknown.
  2. Her / his blog is spuriously classified as spam, and both the blog, and the owning account are removed from Blogger.
  3. Comments previously posted are removed, possibly by the Blogger spam removal bot.
  4. The blog owner has the blog reviewed, and the Blogger account and blog are restored.
  5. Comments previously removed are not restored, and additional comments posted later are also removed.

So, in spite of my previous analysis of Blogger and spam comments, Blogger may be doing something about spam comments.

If your blog was recently deleted for spamming, then later restored (possibly after you completed the 4 step spam review), and you think (though probably do not believe) that your comments, posted in various Blogger blogs, are disappearing, maybe you are not imagining what you are seeing.

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Anonymous said…
Nice. I am allowed to trust my eyes. Thank you.
Yes, well, the problem is that sometimes people cannot handle the truth. They would prefer for people to tell them lies and be a totally fake person just to massge their egos and make them feel good.

Fortunately, some people live in the real world and unfortunately comments posted are NOT politically correct. Personally, I am sick of political correctness!

Anyway, how come some people are still able to successfully post their spam comments? The Googlebot obviously needs tweaking because some comments I posted have disappeared probably because my comments are sometimes not politically correct. Well, you can't please everyone.
Anonymous said…

Unfortunately this story is very real, as you can read from my discussion at the Blogger Forum.

Thank you for summarizing it and unveil the mystery. I really hope that the deleted comments can be restored soon.
eroswings said…
Thank you so much for your patience and for taking the time to help us out. We really appreciate all your hard work and efforts. Thank you!
The Mistress said…
Hello Chuck and thank you for your ongoing assistance over in the help forum.

Let's hope that there is a solution to this problem of mine.

Comments that I have personally left on my own blog for the past four years AND that I've left on the Blogger blogs of friends, have all vanished.

Other bloggers are able to leave comments on my blog but I can't leave a comment using my regular Google/Blogger log-in/username/avatar without that comment vanishing sometime the next day.

So if I want to leave a comment that stays, I must post a comment using the Name/URL feature instead of my regular log-in.

To update you:

Yesterday (July 1st), I left a test comment on my latest post at 12:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time.

That comment is still there more than 24 hours later so I'm keeping my eye on it to see if it disappears overnight or not.
The Mistress said…
I've just checked my latest post where I left a test comment on July 1st at 12:29 Pacific Time.

It's gone.
eroswings said…
Apologies for jumping in, but I just wanted to point out that MJ left two comments earlier. One has disappeared all ready. Here's a copy and paste of the one above, in case it vanishes, too, like the first.

MJ said...

I've just checked my latest post where I left a test comment on July 1st at 12:29 Pacific Time.

It's gone.
2/7/10 20:52

Nitecruzr, I hope you have email notification so you, too can see that MJ's comments are being erased within 24 hours after she posts them using her Blogger sign in name.

Thank you for working to help solve this problem.
Nitecruzr said…
The missing comment was preserved in my email, along with time that I approved it. And details have been forwarded to Gatsby.
KG said…
Something very odd is happening, right now on my blog. Others can comment, but when I post a comment and then refresh the page, it's gone. The blog has never been taken down by Blogger.
Yet I can post comments in a friend's blog which uses a different commenting system.
Nitecruzr said…

There was a big problem with comments, in general, early today. Your comment (above) was unpostable for a few hours, but it looks like it is OK now.
The Mistress said…
I see that my previous comment is still there on your blog dated 2/7/10 at 20:52.

However, I left 2 comments that day on your blog. Did Blogger delete one of those comments or did you not publish it?

How odd that my comment from 2/7/10 remains on YOUR blog yet my comments disappear from all other Blogger blogs.

Would the fact that your blog has a "dot net" feature instead of a regular "dot blogspot dot com" have anything to do with it?
Nitecruzr said…

I can't say for sure whether custom domain publishing is relevant here. Except you have seen at least one comment of yours disappear from here. Check your email for my notation of "Published 2/7/10 20:08 PDT".
The Mistress said…
My July 8, 2010 test comment (on my July 8 blog post) posted at 6:39 AM PDT has vanished as have comments I left on other blogs yesterday.

Is it possible for me to post a test comment on a “” blog of someone you trust?

That way I can prove that it’s really happening and not me or my fellow bloggers deleting the comments intentionally.

My comments are sticking on your blog but nobody else’s blogs. My only theory is that your “dot net” status has something to do with it. Not that I have any technical knowledge but I’m able to leave comments that stay put on Wordpress blogs. But my comments disappear on anything “”.

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