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Blogger Blogs Redirecting To ""

In a disturbing repeat of problems experienced earlier this month, we have reports of blogs redirecting again, this time to "".

For those of you experiencing this assault upon your blog, see the FAQ My Blog Has Been Hijacked - What Do I Do? for current diagnosis and removal techniques. Note that the gadgets noted this week, as earlier, appear to resist removal, so you'll probably need to use "Edit HTML", and delete the offending code.

(Update 2010/03/23): Blogger Support has taken ownership of the problem.
Our team is working to sort out these affected gadgets from our side, and hope to have this fix out shortly.

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Dudel said…
Really? Again?

Forgive me if I laugh, but are these people also the ones that say "Halp my comptre gots a vris!"? XD

Blogger, itself, gives you fair warning about adding widgets they don't offer. "Add 3rd party widgets at your own risk." This also means (as to its literal), "Don't add 3rd party widgets unless you're smart enough to know who to trust or at least smart enough on how to fix what gets broken after." (Hint: Use Google)

Some people.. though I'm probably no better with my noise.
Nitecruzr said…
Not everybody reads the fine print. Isn't it at all possible that people connote some slight approval, from Blogger, for code installed through "Page Elements"?
Mary said…
IMNSHO, if a gadget is offered thru Add a Gadget, Google should be giving assurance that it does what it says on the box.

If someone gets their gadget from Dodgy Joe's Hacker Site, then I've no sympathy. But I don't think that is the space that Google wants to be in.

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