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Everybody Makes Mistakes

In February 2008, out of necessity, I developed (using publicly available code) my on-the-fly multi-lingual translator applet, which you can see in the top of the sidebar. When originally developed, the applet offered a dozen or so languages, a population which has now grown to 34, from several enhancements.

Some time ago, I became aware of an anomaly which bothered me mildly - if you were viewing an archived post in your blog, and you used the translator, you would get a nicely translated copy of the main page of the blog, not of the archived post. In other words, if you had attempted to translate Make Your Blog Speak More Languages, you would, none the less (today) have gotten a translation of Importing / Exporting Blog Contents Now In Production (Orange) Blogger.

This was slightly annoying, but just one more oddity which I never took the time to research. Until today.

To shorten this narrative somewhat, today I found a small code error which caused the anomaly. If you acquired this applet from the original post Make Your Blog Speak More Languages, your copy will probably have this code problem, too. Fortunately, it's a simple correction, in the header section of the applet code.

<form action="">

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


document.write ("<input name=u value="+location.href+" type=hidden>")

// -->

</script><input value="" name="u" type="hidden"/>

<noscript><input value="" name="u" type="hidden"/></noscript>

<input value="en" name="hl" type="hidden"/>

<input value="UTF8" name="ie" type="hidden"/>

<input value="" name="langpair" type="hidden"/>

<input onclick="this.form.langpair.value=this.value" title="Andorran / Catalan" value="en|ca" type="image" height="20" src="" width="30" name="langpair"/>



<a href=""><span style="font-weight:bold;">What Are These?</span></a>

If your blog is using the code which I provided, you may wish to look in your applet code for the snippet highlighted above, and remove it. I think that will make the applet then reliably translate whatever individual post (archive, label search, what have you) rather than simply the blog main page.

Everybody makes mistakes, sorry about that.

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