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I Want Back

Some folks have moved to Blogger Beta, and a few are trying to move back. Some of them just plain aren't satisfied, others can't take the frustration and uncertainty, and some unlucky ones have a corrupted template.

Switch back?
I Want off of Blogger Beta

Now, if you're lucky, you'll find that you have a corrupted feed linked in your blog. Remove the bad feed, and you could be back in business.

If not, you have to use a classic template.
  • Under Template, select Edit HTML.

This doesn't work for everybody, though. And you will lose some features
  • Drag and drop layout editing.
  • Labels.

And how long can you keep a classic blog? Who knows?.

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fifipoo07 saidā€¦
Hi I'm asking you this as you know all things blogging. I went on technorati to see who was linking to me and i found this If you scroll down a bit you'll see the title "oh what a lovely farce" which is the title of a post that i used.If you read it you will see that there is part of my original post. They do link to my original post. However this has got me worried for two reasons. 1- they nicked part of my work. no 2- there's no way of commenting, no profile and the blog is unclaimed by technorati. I'm worried that it is getting "skimmed". What do you think i should do? I had thought about deleting the original post, but much good that will do now i guess. Pippa
fifipoo07 saidā€¦
It looks as if they might have found the post through a google blog search for " pakistan cricket board". I'm paranoid at the best of times about protecting my blog, but this makes things worse. Atleast it's not a disgusting site. I really worry what will happen when i have to abandon it all together. Pippa. p.s would this have any implications for my computers security? I imagine not as blogger hosts all the posts that i do, it's just a thought that has crossed my mind because i'm worried.
Nitecruzr saidā€¦
Hi Pippa,

Getting "skimmed" is, unfortunately, a part of web life. Once you put content out there, it's subject to skimming.

Almost daily, I see SiteMeter or StatCounter recording a referral from a link in a file on someone's C: drive. That's a visitor that skimmed one of my articles, and stored it locally. I've seen similar copies on the web, where people are starting techie web sites and copying my material. At least they link back, in some cases.

I have a legal notice in my main (original) blog PChuck's Network, but it's not really enforceable. It would be, if I were Microsoft or RIAA - they have tons of lawyers. I doubt Legal Aid would be interested though.

Take it as a compliment, and move on. And pray that nobody with a disgusting site finds you interesting or useful.


Rosemary saidā€¦
I used your link to start a new beta blog and so far I've been impressed with the ease of making simple changes to the template. I was wrong, however, about being able to substitute a picture for the title. They won't let you delete the title part and replace it with another element. Oh well, it was a thought. Maybe when the straight HTML editing is available, it can be done.

Anyway, the new blog is live, but it's not connected to my other blogs. That's disappointing.

I'm not in any hurry to convert my established blogs over to the beta. I'd rather wait and let them get the bugs out first.

fifipoo07 saidā€¦
Hi chuck, thanx for all the help. I've taken the step of installing a creative commons and copyscape copyright banners on my blog. One of my fellow bloggers find out by doing a who is arin search for me who this person is and if i have permission from my mother, whose computer this is all done on then i will write to the domain host company and demand that the content be removed. I guess there's not much more that I can do really. I also did a copyscape search and found another site had taken some of my work, again not a disgusting site. I guess there is not much else I can do, apart from reluctantly use site meter again. Thanx once again for all your help. I will be linking to your post about site meter today. Pippa

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