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Migration From Blogger Classic To Blogger Beta

I have several Blogger blogs, among the various websites and other web presences that I maintain. Two of my biggest blogs - PChuck's Network, and The Real Blogger Status - simply can't be migrated, given the current level of problems, and of design deficiencies, to Blogger Beta. The latter blog (this blog), which I call RBS, absolutely won't be migrated to Beta, until there are no more Classic blogs. Maybe this blog won't ever be migrated.

Having said all of that, I will move ahead with using Blogger Beta. There are just so many improvements in Beta, which I have discussed in detail, separately, that I intend to enjoy.

This blog will continue to exist, though, probably as long as I base my web presence in Blogger. I'll use static links between this blog and the Beta, in various mirrored posts. And, I'll have dynamic digests - syndicated feeds, for instance my Blogger Beta feed. See the RBS Beta mirror post for a project description, complete with code examples.

The feeds won't give complete relevant content, I'll still have a lot of static linking to do. I do that anyway, in all of my blogs. Without hyperlinks, my blogs would be a bit less useful.

In some IT migration strategies, this is called a bridge. I suspect that this looks complicated, at first glance. It was simpler to do, than to write about. Setting up the bridge took maybe an hour. Writing the tutorials, with the examples, took close to 2 hours.


Maureen said…
whoah! anger management might be a good idea. I'm frustrated, too, but it doesn't make things happen any faster/better to cuss. oh well.

Chuck, is there any point in leaving messages here (as per the previoius comment)for blogger staff?
Nitecruzr said…
Hi Maureen,

Who knows what Blogger Support reads? They tell us nothing. I have yet to see an actual announcement from them of HTML based template editing.
The Never Ending Silence.

And I can really understand Southern Writer's frustration. I fear that this is simply the new business procedures, and as Blogger / Google gets bigger, it will become the trend in IT procedures.
Maureen said…
yes - frustration in the extreme! I understand it too - just doesn't seem productive to rant on this blog about it.

I was all set with two of my partners to launch a simple email newsletter and we set up our new beta-blogger blog to be online when the newsletter goes out to our mailing list. Unfortunately, we can't mail our newsletter until Blogger gets our "disappearing blog" back online. THAT's my frustration .... argh!

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