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Predicted Effect Of Blogger Beta

In my previous post, The Real Blogger Status - Beta, I predicted that the Blogger Beta would cause resource reallocation within Blogger, and stubborn holdouts who continue to use Classic Blogger will soon find themselves without service or support.

Today, in Google Blogger Help - Publishing Trouble: Is something wrong with Blogger today? (and there is an open ended question that in itself should have acquired 200% more trolls than it did), I see a copy of the latest botmail:
Hi there,

This is an automated update from Blogger Support. We are currently focusing all of our efforts on Blogger in beta, and are unable to provide personal responses to other issues.

What the hell? Personal responses?? When have they ever provided personal responses? And please don't try and count Blogger Employee appearing in Google Blogger Help as a personal response.

This was a true C&C moment.

(Edit): In Google Blogger Help - Something Is Broken: Unable to provide responses - because they're trying to fix Blogger Beta, I see just one more bit of bullshite
In the Blogger Help Group, experienced users can answer your questions, or you may find that your question has already been asked and answered in the archives. We also have a Blogger employee monitoring the group to provide assistance.

Yeah, if assistance consists of

Hi There,

Thanks for your feedback. Please fill out the Help Form.

And this was yet another a true C&C moment, and the poster has been warned twice now. Label your posts
[C&C]: Unable to provide responses - because they're trying to fix Blogger Beta


(Edit 9/28): Have the problems started this week?


Enviroman said…
Well, a suprise. A reader of my post How to contact Blogger support made a very recent comment in that post. I paste his comment below:

"I lost six months of posts recently when the switch to Blogger Beta screwed up tremendously. Once I found the "Talk to Us" link, I found Blogger quite responsive. They got everything back up and running pretty quickly.

I'm not going to try the switch again until it's a little less beta, though I'm looking forward to category functionality.

Blogger Tips and Tricks
Nitecruzr said…
I'm not going to switch.

I won't advise anybody else to either.

Migration Strategy.
Nitecruzr said…
Maybe your reader shoud post his experience in GBH, to let the public know.

But he'd best wear asbestos underwear.
Rosemary said…
Our blogs are on our own domain, so much of the improvements won't apply to us, anyway.

I do find the beta a much better solution for the HTML or CSS challenged, though. After helping a lot of the Villagers on BLOG VILLAGE with various problems, I can see that there's a real need for a blog platform that does not require coding knowledge.

You're certainly correct in stating that CS is a joke, though.


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