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Leave Comments Here

Like any blogger, I appreciate polite comments, when they are relevant to the blog, and posted to the relevant article in the right blog. If you want to ask me a question that's relevant to blogging, but you can't find the right post to start with (I haven't written about everything blogger related, yet, nor the way things are going I don't expect to either), ask your questions here, or leave an entry in my guestbook.

If you have an issue that's relevant to any technical issue in the blog, please leave a comment on the specific post, not here. If you post a comment to this post, I will probably treat it as a "Contact Me" post. This post is for general comments, and for contacting me.

For actual technical issues, note that peer support in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, or Nitecruzr Dot Net - Blogging is, almost always, a wise choice. If your question is related to life in general, feel free to leave me a comment on my Musings blog.

Please, no spam. All comments are aggressively moderated.

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(See here for previous comments.)

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Unknown said…
Here is a comment.
Nitecruzr said…
Here is a second comment.

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