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Use A Canonical URL, With Page URL Conditionals

Not all blog owners can successfully add a conditional display of a template object, to their blog.

Some owners carefully copy the conditional code that I provide, add it to their blogs - and it does not work (for them). In some cases, it may work, for me, when I check their work.

Conditional code, that involves people in countries subject to the country specific domain redirect, won't always be comparing against "". People in the UK may see their blog as "", for instance.

People in the USA, right now, will always see BlogSpot blogs, as "".

This blog, and other blogs published to custom domains, will always be viewed under their domain URLs - so there is no worry about country specific domain redirect.

How do you compare a blog URL, with country specific domain redirects in use?

But what of blogs published to "", outside the USA? How do they conditionally display objects, with the conditional URL varying according to the country specific code of each reader?

When you do a URL comparison, to conditionally display a template object - and the blog is published to "" - check against the canonical URL.

Use the canonical URL, for conditional comparisons in BlogSpot blogs.

Since your blog could be read by readers in any country, if your blog is published to "", you will want to base any URL comparison against the Canonical URL.
  • Compare "data:blog.canonicalUrl" - not "data:blog.url".
  • Compare against the URL, ending in "".

Your readers could be in any country - either the same as you, and subject to your country local domain - if one applies. Or, they could be different from you, and subject to a different country local domain - again, if one applies.

<b:if cond='data:blog.canonicalUrl != ""'> <style> #Text1 {display: none !important;} </style> </b:if>

or possibly

<b:if cond='data:blog.canonicalUrl != data:blog.homepageUrl'> <style> #Text1 {display: none !important;} </style> </b:if>

Just avoid using

<b:if cond='data:blog.url != ""'> <style> #Text1 {display: none !important;} </style> </b:if>


<b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'> <style> #Text1 {display: none !important;} </style> </b:if>

This way, everybody in every different country can see the gadgets only when necessary, as you design. And maybe, you can check your blog using a service like GeoPeeker.


Blogger blog owners, in some countries outside the USA, occasionally observe that they cannot conditionally display template objects, in BlogSpot published blogs, as people in the USA can do.

Owners who live in the USA may not realise that people outside the USA may not see their blogs properly, with conditionals added. If you want your blog gadgets to display properly, in BlogSpot published blogs, use a canonical URL in the comparisons.


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