Almost 3 years ago, Blogger introduced easy sharing of new Blogger posts, to Google+.
This week, they took the next step. For those blogs associated with a Google+ page or profile, you can share new posts, Publicly, automatically.
Just select "Automatically share after posting", and you're ready to share new posts, publicly, as soon as they are published.
When you share automatically, it's absolute and immediate.
We see in Google Help: Automatically share to Google+, some interesting advice.
This week, they took the next step. For those blogs associated with a Google+ page or profile, you can share new posts, Publicly, automatically.
Starting today you can automatically share your blog posts publicly to Google+ — as soon as you publish them, with no additional clicks.
When you share automatically, it's absolute and immediate.
- Everything gets shared to Public - no Circles selection.
- No Comment addition.
We see in Google Help: Automatically share to Google+, some interesting advice.
Automatic sharing to Google+ is enabled by default on all public blogs linked to Google+ pages or profiles.If you setup a new blog, you might do well to check the setting, before publishing your first few posts.
I don't know, specifically, about any problems with sending emails about new posts through Google+. Do you have a forum topic, asking about this, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken?
If your problem is to be solved, you have to start a new topic and ask your questions. If you don't know how to solve your problem, then you may have a different problem than the dozens upon dozens of others.