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The Google Apps "bloggeradmin" Password Reset Uses A Standard Google Account Reset

As Google Apps updates their limited function ("bloggeradmin") account setup process, we see reports from confused Blogger blog owners.
After I reset my password, I still get
The username or password you entered is incorrect
when I try to login, later!
I reset my password - and it changed my Blogger and GMail account - but I still can't login to Google Apps!!

The Google Apps password reset uses a standard Google account reset process - and is subject to normal account reset behaviour. If you don't reset the right account, you won't be able to login, later.

The Google Apps "bloggeradmin" account setup works best using two browsers.

The password reset, for "" (as an example, here) involves a Google account reset.
  1. You start the password reset from a Google Apps login screen, for "".
  2. After clicking on the "Can't access your account?" link, you use a standard Google account reset process.

When you attempt to login to Google Apps, click on "Can't access your account?". That takes you into the Google Account Reset process.

Provide the full account name of your Apps account.
instead of

If possible, use two different browsers. And, to be safe, clear cache, cookies, and sessions (yes, all 3!) - then restart the second browser, before opening the password reset email.

The password reset will be more likely to be successful, if your Blogger account is based on an active and real email address - this is not a good time to be anonymous.
(Update 2013/11/03): This process should be slightly simplified, with Google Apps now using the new Google comprehensive login screen.

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Akila said…
simply superb
Dave said…
Thanks for posting this, it helped me setup my blog with a domain name. Couldn't have done it without your helpful informations
rach said…
you just made my year!! after weeks of trying to figure it out it!
Shubhi said…
Thankyou so much! I owe you one!!
CipBtRO said…
Cool! Good Job!
Unknown said…
Sorry I just don't get it. Every time I click on one of the links in your paragraphs, I just get taken to another page on your blog.
I feel like I'm going in circles!
Nitecruzr said…

It's possible that your problem is not discussed here. Have you posted in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken?
MZimmer557 said…
I went through the reset process and used a different browser this go around, but after logging in to Google Apps I don't get access to my dashboard for billing to update my domain payment. It doesn't seem to connect my domain name with the domain name I am using with the bloggeradmin@.
Jeanie said…
I cannot thank you enough. Seriously. Bravo.

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