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The "Create a new blog" Wizard Is Not Prescient

We're seeing some odd problem reports in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, about blog creation.
I entered just the first letter of the name which I wanted, and I immediately saw
Sorry, this blog address is not available.
How am I supposed to create a blog, if all the names are taken?

What intrigues me here is not that people see
Sorry, this blog address is not available.
It's that people don't ask the next question.
How did it know what name I was typing, before I finished?

How do you explain that you have to type the entire name, and have that name checked, before giving up, disappointed?

Maybe the "Create a new blog" wizard is too good, for its own good.

Too much transparency actually makes it harder, for some people, to use it properly. Having the name checked for availability, as typed, one character at a time, may be a bit excessive.

Had I been creating this blog, long ago, as "", I would have typed "bloggerstatusforreal" - and the "Create a new blog" would have checked, one by one
  • b
  • bl
  • blo
  • blog
  • blogg
  • blogge
  • blogger
  • bloggers
  • bloggerst
  • bloggersta
  • bloggerstat
  • bloggerstatu
  • bloggerstatus
  • bloggerstatusf
  • bloggerstatusfo
  • bloggerstatusfor
  • bloggerstatusforr
  • bloggerstatusforre
  • bloggerstatusforrea
  • bloggerstatusforreal

And I will bet good money, that I would have seen
Sorry, this blog address is not available.
during much of the typing.
  • b Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bl Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • blo Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • blog Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • blogg Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • blogge Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • blogger Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bloggers Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bloggerst Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bloggersta Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bloggerstat Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bloggerstatu Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bloggerstatus Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bloggerstatusf
  • bloggerstatusfo
  • bloggerstatusfor
  • bloggerstatusforr
  • bloggerstatusforre
  • bloggerstatusforrea
  • bloggerstatusforreal
Since I created this blog, long ago, as an imitation of "", obviously "bloggerstatus" was taken. Most likely, the shorter names were likewise taken.

Then again, even if "bloggerstatus" was taken, that does not say, for sure, that "bloggerstatu" was. Or "bloggerstat".
  • b Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bl Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • blo Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • blog Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • blogg Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • blogge Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • blogger Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bloggers Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bloggerst Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bloggersta Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bloggerstat Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bloggerstatu This blog address is available.
  • bloggerstatus Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bloggerstatusf This blog address is available.
  • bloggerstatusfo This blog address is available.
  • bloggerstatusfor This blog address is available.
  • bloggerstatusforr This blog address is available.
  • bloggerstatusforre This blog address is available.
  • bloggerstatusforrea Sorry, this blog address is not available.
  • bloggerstatusforreal Sorry, this blog address is not available.
Yes, I actually checked, one character at a time - and that's what I saw.

The bottom line here is that you have to type - and check - availability, one character at a time. And, you have to be persistent.

What would have happened, if I had given up, immediately.
  • b Sorry, this blog address is not available.
Dammit, all the names are taken!!

Well, you would not be reading "" now, would you?

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