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Clear, Or Set, The Post Feed Redirect

One of the most mysterious settings, in our blogs, is the ability to redirect references to the blog feed.

Some people use the "Post Feed Redirect" setting improperly. When this is done, the problems created can be easily solved, by clearing the setting.
  1. Go to the dashboard menu Settings - Other - Site feed.
  2. Look at the entry for "Post Feed Redirect URL".
  3. If that option is incorrectly set, click on "Remove".
  4. Click on "Save settings".
  5. You're done.

If you actually need the feed redirected, it's similarly simple to set it.

  1. Go to the dashboard menu Settings - Other - Site feed.
  2. Look at the entry for "Post Feed Redirect URL".
  3. If that option needs to be set, click on "Add".
  4. Paste or type the correct URL, into the box.
  5. Click on "Save settings".
  6. You're done.

The setting, for this blog, for instance, is:

The dashboard Settings - Other page.

The Post Feed Redirect URL setting, in the "Site feed" section of Settings - Other.

Just understand what the setting does, how to clear, and how to add, the setting - and when you should use it, or not use it.

If FeedBurner is involved, check out an example connecting FeedBurner using the Post Feed Redirect.


Jenni said…
In what instance would you need this setting? To link your blog to Feedburner and BlogLovin is this setting necessary?
Nitecruzr said…

The Post Feed Redirect is used to change existing feed references, for the blog, to reference a different feed.

Look at this blog, beneath the posts. Do you see

"Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)"?

That link "Post Comments (Atom)" references the native Blogger feed. Since this blog publishes a better feed, using FeedBurner, I use the PFR to make the latter link redirect to the FeedBurner feed. That way, anybody using the link on the blog still gets the FeedBurner feed.

You can, similarly, make the feed reference redirect to a newer feed URL, when you change the published blog URL.

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