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Troubleshooting Custom Domain Issues

If you are trying to make your custom domain published blog work, see my guide Troubleshooting Your Custom Domain Problems.

If you want to know how to setup a custom domain properly, from the beginning - and avoid the need for Troubleshooting - read Setting Up DNS Addresses For Custom Domains. Avoid the most basic mistakes made - read The Simplicity Of A Custom Domain Setup.

If you just setup your custom domain - and want to minimise the effects of the URL change upon your search engine relationships - read Managing The Migration.

If you're just browsing, then read on - but get a good cup of coffee first. And welcome, to Nitecruzr Dot Net.


At this point I think you are "the" Custom Domain guru. Thanks for all the info! With it I learned how to manipulate the DNS on a Yahoo domain that I'd had for some time. My biggest confusion was that I didn't understand I needed to downgrade the website to a domain from a website in order to input the 4 A Records required by Google.

My only concern now is that Google may be thinking about ditching custom domains because they seem to be simplifying things more and more. And I worry that Custom Domains, especially those on outside registrars, may be phased out.

You saw the change coming beforehand with FTP. Do you see a change coming with custom domains?
Unknown said…
I just want to say thank you for your time and effort. I spend a lot of time reading your blog and I do believe you have helped me make my blog better. As a new blogger I bow to your effort, your wisdom and willingness to help other. Bravo!
Anonymous said…
Hi Custom Domain Guru:),
I have a complex question and would appreciate your advice. I fell into the trap you mention, bought a domain name and "service" from IPage, didn't like their interface, so had it forwarded to blogger where i work better. Fine. The year is up, I auto-renew the "service" but now that doesn't include the domain name. tricky! They sent one message the day after i renewed, 3 monsth ago, saying i needed to renew my domain name, and i ignored it thinking it was just an overlap -as i'd already renewed. ooops. now my site is useless, but i have bad service i've paid for for another year.
question - do i fall for their tactics, and pay up?
Buy another similar domain name and redirect it to blogger? Or continue on blogger as is, but i've lost the majority of my traffic already.
The thing is, if i continue with ipage, i'll be in the same situation next year, and can't stand them..
thanks so very much.Oh, and if i remain as a blogger blog, what to do about all the dead links? a 301 redirect?
Nitecruzr said…

I'd like to discuss the iPage issue with you - but it's easiest to conduct a discussion in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken.
Anonymous said…
thanks, i just now found your reply, thanks. going there now. all the best.
Unknown said…
Hi i brought a domain name last week through google for my blog and couple of days later, its saying that blog is not found. But it always forwards me to the blogger dashboard, were i can post and edit my blog. It still will not let me view the blog. What should i do?
Nitecruzr said…

Might I suggest that you start a discussion in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, so we can diagnose your problem.
Unknown said…
I love the italicized links. They look beautiful. I noticed first hand. I don't recall your having done that before. Hoorah for beautiful link impressions. Thanks
Anonymous said…

I am a new blogger and set my blog up without too much difficulty. It has been running for about four days and today when I went on it it is covered in what looks like japanes writing HELP
Mario Acevedo said…
Any idea when Blogger is going to fix the redirect problem?
Chandrakant said…
Hello Sir ,
Previously i have been using domain name 4-5 month)
and last night i just change to blogspot(
again and again i am try to use my old domain name(
which is valid for another 7 month taken from bigrock) .its showing
error like Another blog or Google Site is already using this
address.also some time its redirecting but showing 404 error so please
help me in shorting out this issue thank you.
Nitecruzr said…

Custom Domain Troubleshooting is unbelievably complex. These articles outline the individual steps - but the complete diagnostic process, for any problem like yours, needs to be properly done in dialogue. I'll try to go over the details - if you will please post in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken.
Sushovan said…
I've followed all steps. added 4 A records with two CNAME records. its been more than 24 hours and it shows error 14, it's not getting verified. How to solve this error 14? plz's urgent
Juwaeriah said…

I have a little different question.
I purchased my custom domain and linked it to a google blogpost. It worked and redirected just fine.
However, yesterday I wanted to switch the same custom domain to another new google blogpost.

The issue is, the new blogpost is getting redirected, however the features within it like page tabs have dissappeared. What can be the problem?
Sara said…
You have so many great articles about custom domains, THANK YOU!

But I am so confused at this point. After reading blogger and godaddy help without good results I started searching and finally found your article here: and it was exactly what I needed to do to get my customers' domain AND naked domain setup properly!

Now she has purchased a second domain name through GoDaddy to point to her blogger blog. Do I need to use forwarding on GoDaddy?

Please help?? I am thoroughly confused after reading through several out-dated articles. I don't want her to get flagged by search engines and I don't want to break her current domain. It seems like a simple task to point a second domain name but I am just overwhelmed with all the information. I find your help invaluable and would greatly appreciate a tiny bit of direct advise. Maybe your answer would others who feel a little lost as well.

Sara :D
Anonymous said…
Hi Guys, I moved to a custom domain one week a go, google indexed only 60 pages of my new blog, and kept my old blogspot blog with 15000 pages indexed, how to tell them to index my new domain and deindex the blogspot blog?
Nitecruzr said…

The blog won't be re indexed, under the new (domain) URL immediately, it will be a gradual process. This is the genius of the custom domain design, when properly setup.

The old (BlogSpot) URL remains operational - and your readers and potential readers, following an old link (or search engine hit entry) are automatically redirected to the blog under the new URL.

You don't worry about whether your readers are following old links or new links - you just care that your readers are finding your blog. You concentrate on producing new content, and keeping the search engines indexing the new content.

Your readers - and the search engines - can update their links to your blog, under the new URL - at their convenience. Both the old URL, and the new URL, work equally well.
Joyce Kaylee Oh said…
Hi, My blogger domain expired on 1 Aug and after I googled for solutions, I managed to renew the domain via google wallet. I also received an email saying that the transaction was successful. After which, I went to my dashboard under publishing and advanced setting, i typed in my domain name but it says 'We have not been able to verify your authority to this domain. Error 32.' The thing is, I bought the domain via blogger so I do not even know what is my domain registar's website and therefore is not able to do the DNS settings and etc. So what can I do to authorize the domain? I tried to login to and after trying to login, it says invalid request. What should I do?
Unknown said…
However I am therefore confused at this point. After reading blogger and godaddy facilitate while not smart results I started searching and eventually found your article here: and it was precisely what I required to try and do to get my customers' domain AND naked domain setup properly!

Now she has purchased a second domain name through GoDaddy to purpose to her blogger blog. Do I want to use forwarding on GoDaddy?

Please facilitate?? I am thoroughly confused when reading through many out-dated articles. I do not want her to urge flagged by search engines and I do not want to break her current domain. It looks sort of a easy task to point a second domain name but I am simply overwhelmed with all the data. I find your help invaluable and would greatly appreciate a small little bit of direct advise. Maybe your answer would others who feel a little lost further.
ipage coupon
Nitecruzr said…
Hi Video,

Thanks for the question.

I confess, I am confused by your question too. Is this a followup from a previous question, if so where is the previous question?

You really should post in Blogger Help Forum: Get Help with an Issue, so we can sort this, one issue at a time. Or did you already do that - and if so, what name did you use?

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