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Blogger Blogs, And "Affiliate" Networks

If you're a fan of "spy" movies and novels, you may know about the concept of "intelligence" networks.

These networks are composed of people who devote their time to clandestinely gathering and sending information, from one country to another.

Intelligence networks are large, and contain confusing and redundant casts of characters. These large numbers are necessary, to prevent the host country from detecting and stopping the activities of the networks.

Complementing the agents in intelligence, there is an equal but opposite activity - "counter intelligence".

Counter intelligence agents detect presence of enemy agent networks.

The goal of the counter intelligence agents is to detect the intelligence activities of an enemy country, and to destroy (or hijack / mislead) such activity when it's detected.

When intelligence activity, conducted by an enemy country, is detected in a host country, the counter intelligence agents start from the detected activity - and try to identify and round up the entire intelligence network.

This is a basic vulnerability of any intelligence network - detection of one component of the network can lead to detection of the entire network.

In Blogger, we see affiliate marketing networks, similarly detected.

In Blogger blogs, one will find networks of "affiliate marketing" blogs, typically involving GPT / PTC / PTS / PTV activity.

When one blog is classified as abusive, by the Blogger abuse detection process, fuzzy analysis of the "affiliate" links will frequently lead to identification of multiple blogs, involved in the same activity.

As in "intelligence network" detection, "affiliate marketing" network detection starts with the classification of one blog, and analysis of links from and to that blog. Detection of "reciprocal" links between two blogs makes it likely that both blogs are involved in the same activity.

If one blog is classified as a spam host, this then leads to the classification of both blogs, and more blogs which they jointly link from and to, as spam hosts. An entire "affiliate marketing" / GPT / PTC / PTS / PTV network can be brought down, starting with classification of one blog.

Team blogs may appear as affiliate networks.

Recently, we've seen similar treatment of team blogs. When one team member is classified as a non repentant spammer, it appears that the other team members may be given similar treatment.

Conversely, one blog involving persistent abusive behaviour / content, can cause an entire Blogger account to be deleted / locked.

If your blog is part of an "affiliate marketing" network of fraudulent activity, with reciprocal links between the blogs, shuffling your readers from blog to blog, that may be why your blog is now classified as spam - and that is why you are now here.

Gobble, Gobble.


Grumpy1 said…
There's definitely a book, or two, in this, Chuck. You could be another Tom Clancy I feel.
Seriously, though, isn't it great that even one spammer will be brought crashing down? hahaha. Love it!
Unknown said…
ok i will remove all of my affiliate network posts,and how will i do that if u r not restore my blog?my blog url
Nitecruzr said…

"" is gone, and it won't be coming back. These articles should give you ideas what you should and should not do, when you start a new blog.
Pinoy Wit said…
This is making my nose bleed but I'm a stickler for self-inflicted pain so I will prolong my agony by asking a question.

Do these affiliated networks you mention include blog networks run by services like Unique Article Wizard and Article Marketing Automation?

I'm guessing the answer is yes.
Nitecruzr said…
Unique Article Wizard and Article Marketing Automation

If those aren't PTW services, I'll be very surprised. See the recently released Spam Appeal Guidelines.
My blog (R U Safe, Secure, Prepared?)is related to that industy. I have affiliate status with the author of a book, amazon to post books on the subject, and a couple of other companies that specialize in educating people on specific aspects of being prepared. I want to post banners that have underlying links so that when a reader clicks on them to purchase the product, I get credit. How do I do this?
Nitecruzr said…
R U,

Being prepared for what? if you're selling a real product or service, and your website is about that, there shouldn't be a problem. The problem is with websites that have no content, or websites that do nothing but sell other people into publishing websites with no content.
FU said…
You say "In other words, an entire "affiliate marketing" / GPT / PTC / PTS / PTW network can be brought down, starting with classification of one blog"....I wonder if their entire Google account is deleted, making spammers start from scratch.
I hope so. :))

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