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Anchor Links, And Post Editor Compose Mode

Long ago, before my previous blog improvement, I would include a link to the top of the displayed page, at the end of my posts.

Before I added my "Top Of Page" button, I would compose my posts in "Edit HTML" mode, and at the end of each post, I would add

>> Top
<a href="#Top">&gt;&gt; Top</a>

That gave me a link to the top of the page, since I included an anchor link "Top" inside an HTML gadget, at the top of the page.

<a name="Top"></a>

That's simple enough, once you get used to adding the code.

There's a caveat here, though.

Having added the code
<a href="#Top">&gt;&gt; Top</a>
I have learned, the hard way that I cannot ever edit the post using Compose mode. Any time that I edit the post using Compose mode,
<a href="#Top">&gt;&gt; Top</a>
<a href="">&gt;&gt; Top</a>

The only solution was, that any time I created a post, I would add
<a href="#Top">&gt;&gt; Top</a>
last. Then, stay in "Edit HTML" for any more editing.

Blogger Engineering has been shown this problem a few times. It's possible that it is deeply embedded in the Blogger code base, and will require much work to be diagnosed.

In my case, I eliminated the need to add anchor links, by adding my "Top Of Page" button. That eliminates 99% of the anchor links, that I add to my posts.

This may be a problem which we have to know about, and avoid causing. Compose and install anchor links, after you finish using Compose mode - and beware toggling between Compose and HTML modes.


Chris said…
I've noticed that too, but I didn't realize it could be avoided by staying in HTML mode. Thanks for the tip!
This was driving me crazy! I found a more permanent solution -

Glad to know I'm not alone!
LA Botchar said…
oh may the shine upon you all the days of your life!!! I have been trying for hours to get my anchor tags to work -- they would work in preview, I'd switch to "Compose" then publish....the published page wouldn't work.
This is the first tutorial - and I've looked at dozens!! -- that provided that handy little tip.
Thanks! ugh that was annoying!
rn995 said…
Oh, Thank you!!! I was so confused why mine only worked once and I went back to do it again, again, and AGAIN... I finally come across your post and realized it was not my problem... sadly...this is a problem~

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