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Showing posts from December, 2007

Missing Archives And Template Corruption

This blog has a lot of posts for me to keep up with, and they have been developed over a couple years. To find relevant posts, I frequently look in the date sequenced catalogue, aka "Archives". One would expect to find a catalogue of posts for each month, since the blog was started. One would expect . Before checking your blog, be sure to reload the view, if it's been sitting for a few hours. This seems to have happened maybe sometime after 18:00 PST today, give or take 2 or 3 hours. I didn't see consistency in all of my browsers, until I refreshed the view of the blog. This is normal. This, too, is normal. This is not normal. The numbers in parentheses indicates that I have posts for those months. But when "opened" (note the arrows for August, July, and June pointed down), nothing shows in the posts lists, as it does for December and November. If I click on a month label, I can see all of the "missing" posts in main page view. So the archi

So, Do You Want To Play A Game?

This is the game of " Porn\\\\Next Blog" surfing . Like all games, it must have some rules. You are welcome to make up your own, as you see fit. These are simply my rules, which I follow for consistency. Use Firefox, on a computer properly protected with Layered Security . Start Firefox from within SandboxIE . Open half a dozen or so tabs, to start, in the window. The goal of the game is to hit "Next Blog" repeatedly, until you have surfed to 3 Adult Friend Finder splogs. The surfing, for maximum consistency, should be done as rapidly as possible. One of the problems of "Next Blog" surfing is that you constantly find interesting blogs which you will be tempted to examine. Don't spend time looking at blogs, keep going. When you find any interesting blog, or when you find an AFF splog, move on to the next tab. When you have found 3 AFF splogs, you will have 3 tabs with those splogs, plus any incidentally interesting blogs, displayed in the tabs. If

A New Game! Let's Go Porn\\\\Next Blog Surfing!!

Several months ago, I started a series of posts which I entitled "Adult FriendFinder" , or "AFF". Adult FriendFinder has been long known for providing Internet advertisements using pictures of "local" women, with many of their pictures frequently described as pornography. An unidentified criminal organisation is currently producing a large number of blogs, which are being hosted by BlogSpot, and which use Adult FriendFinder ads as their signature. These blogs are maintained in great volume, so when you use the "Next Blog" link in the Navbar for any amount of time, you will likely surf to one or more. The volume of these spam blogs, or splogs, in BlogSpot, is one of the reasons why I, and a few other bloggers, now advise those with blogs read by sensitive people, to remove the Navbar from your blog . I make this advice, ever mindful of Blogger repeated advice that the Navbar should not be tampered with . And this is why I currently refer to usi

Surfing Unknown Blogs? Sandbox Your Browser!

Normally, when I instruct you to check out a blog or web site of dubious reputation , I explicitly advise you to protect your computer. One way to prevent installation of malicious software on your computer, when you must surf dodgy web sites , is to use a proxy server . Using a proxy server will protect your computer, by running all web site client activities on the distant server, and send to you only the visible components of the web site itself. And that's the downside as well as the upside of a proxy server. Sometimes, you'll need components of a web site, that you wouldn't get through a proxy server. When a proxy server isn't a useful solution, consider using a sandbox. Antivirus programs, like Norton / Symantec, have been using sandboxes , for years. Now, you can run your browser in a sandbox too. SandboxIE was originally written to "Sandbox IE", as in Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer, before V7, was well known to be insecure, prompting the d

Deleting A Page Element? Delete It Through The Page Elements GUI

In articles like Can't Delete A Page Element? , I explain how to remove a page element from your blog, when it's locked. This is a two stage process. From the Template Editor, unlock the page element. From the Page Elements GUI, remove the page element. Occasionally, I give this advice, only to have somebody ask me Chuck, why make it so complicated. Just delete the entry in the template. But it's not that simple. Look at a Linklist page element, for instance. See all of the URLs in my "Blogger Help Links" page element, in the sidebar, for instance? Now, look at the template code, for that page element. <b:widget id='LinkList2' locked='false' title='' type='LinkList'> <b:includable id='main'> <b:if cond='data:title'><h2><data:title/></h2></b:if> <div class='widget-content'> <ul> <b:loop values='data:links' var='link'>