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Internet Explorer And Cross-Frame Scripting #2

If you're going to use Blogger, whether you want to setup and maintain your own blog, or simply to make comments on other people's blogs, you have to have a Google account. And you have to login to your account.

To protect you from possibly malicious code in an unknown blog, Blogger separates the code, used for logging in to Blogger, from the blogs themselves. If you're going to use Blogger, your browser has to be setup to trust Blogger code (Only trust "" - do not trust "" or ""), when you login.

You'll make these changes with Internet Explorer closed.

Open the Internet Properties wizard.
  • Start
  • Settings
  • Control Panel
  • Internet Options

Select "Trusted Sites". This step is very important! Hit the "Custom Level" button.

You should now have "Security Settings - Trusted Sites Zone". Find Miscellaneous (about 1/2 way down the screen - see the scroll tab?).

Below Miscellaneous, find "Navigate sub-frames across different domains" (about 3/4 way down the screen - see the scroll tab?). Select Enable. Hit the OK button.

For Warning!, hit the Yes button.

With "Trusted Sites" still selected, hit the Sites button.

You should now have "Trusted sites". Type "*" into the "Add ..." box, and hit the Add button.

Hit the Close button, then the OK button. Restart Internet Explorer.

If you followed these instructions precisely, your cross-frame script problem should be solved. If you continue to have problems, check all security settings and browser add-ons.

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