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Could Not Connect To Blogger.Com - A Possible Workaround

One possible reason for the odd distribution of the well known pink warning
Could not connect to Saving and publishing may fail.

or similarly
Cannot View Webpage

may be that it involves several different problems, coming together.

It's possible that Pete Hopkins explains one of the problems as a side effect of the cookies generated by Blogger, some of which are used in post editor.
Cookies are normally small and unassuming, but there's a bit of unusual behavior in that Blogger automatically saves the first few k of your post in a set of cookies as you're typing. That way, if your browser crashes you can use the "recover post" link to get at least the first part of it back. However, the side effect of using cookies in this way is that even though they're only being used (abused?) for local/offline storage, your browser will send the cookies with every request to a server.

This might explain why some Bloggers report temporary relief by clearing cache and cookies, and other Bloggers report relief by making shorter posts - Publishing, then editing repeatedly.

Pete continues in his discussion, to suggest a workaround, to block the problem created by the cookies. You'll have a little script, that you'll have to run each time you start a post editor session. You run the little script, having previously saved it as a bookmark (favorite), from your browser.
  • Go to Pete's website.
  • Make a bookmark from the code that he provides, per his instructions.
  • Each time that your browser links to a screen where the Blogger connection testing is done (anywhere you see the pink error message), execute the bookmark, created from Pete's website, after the page has loaded.
  • See the WikiPedia article about bookmarklets, for more information.

Various Bloggers have reported mitigation of the well known pink warning, when using Pete's bookmarklet. Give it a shot, and see if it provides you any improvement to your problem.

>> Forum thread links: bX-*00016

>> Copy this tag: bX-*00016

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Katherine said…
It worked for me!!! I've been having this problem for a couple of weeks now. I hit Pete's bookmark before i published, checked the connection to blogger, and then I had connection again.
Nitecruzr said…
Thank you, Katherine!

Knowing that this solution works will eventually encourage Pete to propose other client side fixes.

Ultimately, this will make for a better Blogger.
amy said…
THis worked for me, and was the only good suggestion I could find after hourse searching! The problem was a HUGE one for posting pics for me. This is what I had to do:

a. Upload the photo
b. Hit Done
c. Click on the bookmark (or favorite in my case) link that says ‘stop post back up’ in my favorites (gotten from Pete’s page)
d. Hit Ok to the prompt ‘are you sure you want to navigate way from this unsaved page (Nothing I can visibly see happens)
e. Hit Save

I have to make sure I do this after each photo and before it starts to auto save …if it starts to auto save before I click the favorite link it will automatically go the ‘can’t connect to blogger’ error message and I can’t get out of it. If does go to the error message, I just closed the browser and started all over again.

So Pete’s favorite link thingy is a great help. I’m using my blog as I live overseas to update my family with pics, and with internet already being so slow and intermittent where I am, I was become extremely frustrated before I searched for this workabout. So, in the urge to encourage Pete to continue posting helpful things, I am writing this message. Thank you!
Andrew Taylor said…
I have had this problem off and on forever.It seemed to me someone had hacked into Blogger and was harassing the publishers by disrupting their work.Sick,isn't it?
In any event,I found my own workaround.I simply exit my browser,Internet Explorer, and,when I go back in,the issue is resolved.Often,however,some of the post has been lost in the process,so you may want to write it down before you try this.I have also had to reboot on occasion to clear the disruption.
I'm still working on this.
Best regards,

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